The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Happy Halloween!

Still busy.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Don't go in there!

A couple things:

  • Both the forum and my blog comments are free services that live on other people's servers and are maintained by anonymous, smarty-pants techie people. When one or both of them goes down (as both have been doing quite a lot lately), I can't do a bleeding thing about it besides wait for them to come back up again. And swear a lot. Not that that helps, but it makes me feel better. Anyway, don't panic when these features aren't working, it doesn't mean that I've discontinued them or that there is anything wrong with me or my site. Rest assured that if I ever decide to discontinue the forums I'll make announcements to that effect all over the place.

  • I haven't updated because I'm busy, dammit! Seriously. I've taken on several scenes from DL 3.8 that nobody else wanted, so I'm scrambling to get those done, and I have a research paper due on Halloween. And it's high time that I got started on my end-of-term projects. Plus I need to get busy promoting the band's show this Friday and getting CDs ready to sell. Like I said, I'm busy. And a little overwhelmed. So I probably won't be updating as frequently or have as big a presence on the forums for the next few weeks. But I'll be checking in when I can. This, by the by, is the same reason I haven't written you back yet. Whoever you may be.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Another thing I loved about this week's ep (yes, I'm still going on about Buffy, and more specifically, Spuffy) was how it explained so much about Buffy's attitude toward Spike by way of her dealings with Anya and her memories of Angel. She told Xander that she'd been thinking about the possibility of having to kill Anya for a long time. Surely she's also given a lot of thought to the same thing re: Spike. Because she has to. She's the Vampire Slayer, and choosing to allow a vampire to live, no matter what the reason or circumstance, is a huge responsibility. This is a lesson she learned the hard way with Angel. She also showed in this ep that the pain of having to kill Angel is still fresh in her memory. No doubt being faced with another souled vampire brought all of those memories rushing back, but it's really nothing new.

She told Spike in "Seeing Red" that she doesn't love him because she can't trust him. This seemed incongruous at the time because it was evident that she had quite a lot of trust in him, in several areas. I think that when she said it, she really trusted him not to hurt her, at least not physically. Then he betrayed that trust and proved her point. But even after he attacked her, she still trusted him to take care of Dawn, and when she discovered that he was back in town she trusted him to fight beside her, and to patrol with her. That's a lot of trust she's placing in someone whom she claimed she could never trust.

But looking back, I think Buffy had a specific situation in mind, one that she's forced herself to keep in mind throughout her relationship with Spike, and that almost became a reality this week, not with Spike but with Anya. I think there was a piece of that declaration she made in the bathroom that went unspoken: "I have feelings for you. I do. But it's not love. I could never trust you enough [to never do anything that will make me have to kill you someday] for it to be love."

I don't know about y'all, but to me that explains a lot.

Anyway. After dinner and Survivor, I have every intention of writing at least one of my newly appointed scenes for the second half of DL 3.8 tonight. But first, I'm off to nap for a good long while. Sleep good. Tree pretty.

All my midterms are over (wheee!), and now that I've got some time, I really can't not talk about Buffy to some extent. Even though I really should be researching eating and body dysmorphic disorders right now. But this is more fun and less depressing.

So. First of all, adjrun and I share a hive-like mind in these matters, so if you haven't yet, go read her huge-ass essay about this episode, because I agree 100% and really have nothing to add. I'm pretty sure I was the one who suggested to her in chat the other night (unless somebody in another window suggested the same thing at around the same time) that Nice, Understanding Buffy might have been the MMBB, trying to seduce Spike into a sense of complacency as well as keeping him confused and distrustful of the real Buffy. We've been shown that it can appear as Buffy, and that it can touch Spike, and that it can see into his head to his fears and desires. And the almost angelic appearance of this first Buffy calls to mind scripture that says the devil can appear as a being of light. But as somebody in the forum pointed out, the most telling thing was the braid. Sure, it could have just been convenience, not wanting to make SMG change her hair as well as her costume, but would that really have been such a big deal? Why would Spike have hallucinated the exact same hairstyle -- which was a brand new (and not universally approved) Buffy hairstyle -- that the real Buffy was wearing?

See, it's these little things that hang me up and make me go "Oooooh!"

Anyway. I'm really impressed at how productive this season has been so far. The season doesn't usually really take off until about the sixth episode or so, but only five eps in and they've already addressed Willow's guilt and welcomed her back into the fold, established that Xander's still in love with Anya, dealt with her return to vengeance and her subsequent attacks of conscience and returned her to human once again, and gone from Buffy finding out about Spike's soul to being completely incapable of dealing with it to taking steps to make it deal-with-able (and on an aside, how happy am I that the answer to the question she posed last week -- what do you do when you know you can't help someone? -- turned out to be to get him to help himself and tell you what he needs. Without coming right out and asking for help, Spike identified a basic need: a place to live. This is a tangible thing that Action Girl can take care of, allowing Buffy to do something for him without stretching her comfort zone more than it's ready to be stretched just yet. Yay!). Considering that before the season started I didn't even expect Buffy to find out about the soul until sweeps, I'd say they've accomplished a hell of a lot in only the first five episodes. It seems to me that they're trying to get the weightiest and angstiest of the weighty, angsty issues dealt with and out of the way so that they can hurry up and shake off the dregs of last season's über-angst and get on with the lighter, happier Buffy that Joss has been promising all summer. Not that the lighter, happier version won't be without a fair share of angst, because really, what's Buffy without angst?

That's all I've got. I'm off to look up bigorexia. Yes, that's a real disorder, and it's pretty much exactly what it looks like.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

I have no time this week to post a review, and everybody else is coming up with all of the cool insights anyway. Suffice it to say that this ep is going in my top ten, and is possibly my third favorite non-Spike-centric episode (after Hush and Restless). Anyway. If you want to see some cool insights, watch adjrun's LJ, because she had some doozies and I'm sure she'll get around to posting them at some point. If you want my breakdown, you'll have to go read the forum.

Another big test tommorow, so I'm going offline until then. See ya.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

One test down, one to go. I have a good feeling about this one. No more studying today, though. I'm too fried for it to do any good anyway. Plus, it's New Buffy night.

I took a study break last night and rediscovered my love for Dragonball Z. I watched the original Dragonball first, and it was cute, but otherwise, eh. But then I watched DBZ and I was riveted. I don't know if it's the action or the relationships or what, but something about that show hooks me every time. I'm upset that it's late in the final season and I missed Vegeta's big heroic self-sacrifice, though. Y'know, Vegeta is really the exact same archetype as Spike. So that right there pretty much explains my obsession with this little cartoon show. To illustrate how alike they are, I'll even confess that, years ago, I almost wrote a DBZ fic. Outlined it and everything. It was basically the same plot as Perfect World, with Vegeta using the dragon balls to wish his planet back into existence and wish himself back on the throne. Then I could've been one of those fic writers who writes the same stories over and over for different fandoms and just changes the names to fit the new fandom. Or I could've just not written PW. All things considered, I'm glad things worked out the way they did, because I'm sure PW is much better than a DBZ version would've been.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Despite not falling asleep until well after 7AM yesterday, I still managed to get up and go shopping with li'l sis and have a lovely time. Clothes were bought, research notes were recorded, she found a pair of jeans that will expand with her that are actually long enough to cover her ankles (she's rawther tall, and it seems the maternity clothing industry assumes that only regular and petite women ever get knocked up), I found a great pair of stylish yet affordable brown boots -- triumphs all around.

I got home just in time to watch Andromeda and Angel -- both of which were pretty "eh" -- and then managed to stay awake long enough to start a thread for Angel on the boards before I crashed. So I went to bed pretty early last night. But then as I was drifting off I had a vision of that creepy little girl standing and dripping well water at the foot of my bed and woke up with a start, and had to read for a while to get my mind off of that. I read DL. I'm working my way through the first one, and it's really quite good, if I do say so myself. Though I gotta say I'm not happy with the final arch. I'd thought it was going to go in a certain direction, and I laid a lot of groundwork in my chapters for it to go in that direction, and for reasons that continue to remain a mystery to me those who wrote those final chapters completely ignored said groundwork and went in a different direction that had absolutely no setup whatsoever, and as a result I think it's pretty anti-climactic. But then the last chapter has Spuffy nookie, so everything's okay again. When I'm done with this I'm gonna read War! again. As I recall, it's even better, and there's no anti-climacticness to be found.

So anyway, I didn't end up falling asleep until after midnight, and I had to sleep with the light on again. Stupid movie. When my alarm went off at 8 this morning, I got up, hit snooze (my alarm clock is clear across the room to theoretically prevent me from hitting snooze and going back to sleep. Doesn't always work.) and went back to bed. Ten minutes later when it went off again, I re-set it for 9 and went back to bed. At 9 I got up, fed the cats, realized I was freezing, turned up the heater and got back in bed, just to be warm until the heater kicked on, and promptly fell back to sleep. I woke up again at about a quarter to noon, time for my one and only class of the day to end. But that's okay, because I'd planned to skip it anyway, and to take the day off from my internship, so I can get ready for tomorrow's midterm. Which I need to go do, now that I've got some coffee in me and finally feel awake enough to function. I probably won't be around much for the next few days because I have two pretty huge tests this week, so hopefully I'll be able to resist temptation and stay offline. Starting nowish. Or, starting after I've perused the forums and everybody else's blogs and LJs. Anyway. Bye.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

It's after 5 AM, and I'm still up. Stupid movie. I'm supposed to go meet my sister in 8 hours to go shopping, so even if I go to bed now and somehow manage to fall asleep, I'll only be able to fit in about 6 hours. I'm so mad at myself for going to see that movie. Dudes, if you're impressionable like I am? Skip it. Trust me.

Saturday, October 19, 2002

Mommy! The Ring scared me!

This post contains spoilers, so don't read it of those scare you.

You know Poltergeist, with the whole thing about how the evil spirits were communicating with the creepy little girl through the television static? It took me years to get over getting freaked out by television static. Now I have to start all over again. Stupid movie.

It really wasn't so bad most of the way through. There were some images that are going to stick with me a while that I'd really rather not have seen, such as a horse jumping off of a ferry and bashing into the side and getting beaten into the boat again and again. Gleh. But it really wasn't that scary. Kinda like how the Blair Witch Project wasn't really scary -- until the last five minutes, when they went into that house. The final image of Mike standing in the corner screwed me up for days. This was kinda like that. I thought it was over. Happy ending and everything. I was all set to walk out of there and bitch about now not scary it was. But then it just kept going. And it wouldn't stop. And ... and ... I'm home now, and I've got every freaking light in the house on. And I'm moving my TV out of my bedroom tonight before I go to sleep. If I go to sleep.


This is why I usually stick to slasher flicks. Cheap scare, but then it's over with when I leave the theater. Sure I sometimes wonder if Michael Myers is lurking in the dark corners when I have to go outside at night, but then I get back inside and lock the doors and it passes. But this supernatural stuff sticks with me and makes me have to sleep with all the lights on. I hate that. I'm probably gonna be up all night watching Buffy videos to wash the taste out of my mouth. I'm aware of the irony. But those have monsters that the heroes can beat up and kill and then the bad stuff is all over, plus there's comedy. And Spike. Spike makes everything better.

Speaking of ... some new DL should get posted within the next couple hours or so, so keep a look out for that.

Friday, October 18, 2002

The band will be playing Nordaggio's on November 1st. That's a café at 81st and Lewis. The show will start around 8:30. Come one, come all. Or just Terrence, since I'm pretty sure he's the only one in the area who reads this page who isn't related to a band member. And being as that night's his birthday, he probably already has other plans. At any rate, we've got a gig. Go me.

I feel some rants coming on.

Rant the first: The forum. I feel like I can't state an opinion there without somebody thinking I'm dictacting board policy. I blame TWoP, because, well, that's how they are. In the Buffy forums, anyway. Not always, but often enough. But that's not how I am, and that's not how any of my mods are. Frankly, I resent that if somebody leaves of their own volition because they feel they're getting too obsessive over the show, people just assume that they've been run out because they disagreed with me. And I think discussion there is faltering because people there are afraid to disagree with me. But I've done nothing to make people see me in that light, and in fact have bent over backwards to make it clear that that's not how these boards are run. I don't know what else to do, beyond setting up a new account under a different username to post under when I'm discussing the show, and only use the cj moniker when I am in fact establishing board policy, so people will be sure to know the difference.


Rant the second: A Buffy rant. Or a Spuffy rant. Or possibly even a B/A rant. You decide. I was going to post this over in the forum, but like I said, somebody there is bound to take this as me saying they're not allowed to think this way, so I'll leave it over here.

Anyway. After Spike got hit with his soul, people went on and on about how they hope he's nothing like Angel and that his storyline won't become a retread of Angel's. Then we got to the new season, and saw that he wasn't, and that it wasn't, and it was all good. But now it seems to me that a lot of these same people are pissed off at Buffy because she's not reacting to Spike the same way she reacted to Angel, and that they're really hoping for B/A to be re-enacted with James Marsters in the role of Angel. People? I'm here to tell ya, you can't have it both ways.

Spike is not Angel. Buffy's prior relationship with Spike was nothing like her relationship with Angel. Buffy is not even the same Buffy now that she was when she was dealing with Angel. So why would she relate to Spike now the same way she related to Angel several years ago? This makes no sense to me, and I'm sorry, but I think pointing to Buffy's attitude towards Angel as evidence that she must not care a whit for Spike because she's being different with him is, well, a crap argument.

We were given blatant evidence as recently as "Beneath You" that Buffy does indeed care about Spike. Even in the last two episodes she showed tenderness to him in her limited interaction to him. I've already posted here and there about how I think Buffy is working overtime to keep her feelings regarding Spike -- be they anger, love, fear, compassion, or all of the above -- reined in because they're too overwhelming right now, not just for her but for him as well. Hell, she told us as much in Same Time, Same Place. "You scared me a little. I didn't know what to think." And she still doesn't know what to think. With Angel, he got his soul back, and he was her boyfriend again. With Spike, it was the demon she admitted to wanting, to having feelings for. Now he has a soul and is crazy and keeps calling himself William. Is he even the same guy anymore? Or is he somebody completely new? And is that a good or a bad thing? I don't know, and I sure as hell don't expect Buffy to know.

I warned you that this was a rant. Anyway. I don't resent people who disagree with me on this front. But I do resent implications that just because I'm not too blinded by anger at ME and at Buffy that I can see the admittedly very subtle signs that she does still care about Spike, that I must be somehow deficient or, at best, delusional. And I'm irritated that those whom I know agree with aren't backing me up. Even though I know they have more important things to worry about, like getting DL ready to post tomorrow night. Like I said, this is a rant. Sense really has no place in it.

But I'm happy with this season so far. I want to see a Spike & Buffy story that Angel will stay the hell out of, thank you very much, and that's what I'm getting. And I see evidence that she at the very least cares about Spike, and has the potential to fall in love with him, if she's not already there on some level. The way she approached him to check out his wounds in "Lessons;" the way she followed after him to find out what was wrong with him in "Beneath You;" the tears she shed for him in that same episode; her admission of fear in "Same Time, Same Place" and the way she softened when she delivered it; the tender way she took his hand when he started hitting himself in "Help," and the way she looked pleased to see him when he showed up to fight beside her later in that episode. These all show me a Buffy who cares about Spike, and is concerned about him, but who hasn't the faintest clue what to do about it. And I can wait for her to figure it out. Honestly, if she'd fallen into his arms by now, or let him fall into hers as the case may be, I'd have gotten a cheap thrill, but then I'd have been scared that it wouldn't last. The fact that ME is handling this so carefully, is building it up slowly and building as much sympathy for Spike as they can possibly muster, tells me that they're building something that will last.

Here endeth the ranting.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Oh. Migod.

Which Buffy vampire are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

I totally cheated on this one just to get that picture. Can you say "humminah?"

I'm on my first day of fall break from university, which coincided with a two-day state teacher's meeting, so I don't have to go to my internship either. I have no real plans for my four-day weekend, though. So far today I've been all about catching up on sleep and being lazy. I'm supposed to go to band practice tonight, which means I'm going to have to go get dressed at some point here pretty soon.

I did do a modicum of band-related work earlier, and we might have a new gig in the works at this coffee shop that has apparently been around Tulsa for years and is widely popular but which I only just heard of, tragically unhip as I am. When I called this morning the guy who does the booking had lost the demo CD that Stacie left there for him, but he found it while we were on the phone and promised to give it a listen tonight. I'm supposed to call back tomorrow to discuss booking. It'll be an accoustic show, which will be a new experience for the boys. Of course, they're pretty much stuck doing accoustic shows until they find a new drummer. But that'll give them a chance to build a wider audience.

I've got to do some comparison shopping research on maternity clothes for my gender psych class, so I'm going to try to drag my li'l sis along. She should start showing soon, so it's not too early for her to shop for a maternity wardrobe, and that way I'll look legit and won't have to explain myself to any salespeople. That might happen tomorrow. And at some point this weekend I want to go see The Ring. The previews make no sense, but they do look sufficiently creepy, and it's the right time of year for a good scare. Though, considering how much the original Blair Witch Project affected me, I'm a little trepidatious about seeing this movie. But I think I'll be able to handle it. That'll probably happen Saturday.

The rest of the weekend will be about the following things: Survivor, Firefly, working on DL, getting part of Episode 8 posted, and studying for midterms. Mostly that last thing, because I've got two next week. Gender Psych and Perspectives on Human Behavior. I was going to have them both on Tuesday, but the Perspectives prof took mercy on us and moved his to Thursday. And really, his will be the easier of the two, so I can hold off and cram for that on on Wednesday, which is good because I'm so far behind on my reading for Gender and I'll need all weekend to catch up and get ready for it. Blah.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

On "Help," tonight's episode of Buffy (spoilers ahoy):











I got pissed off at Buffy tonight. And I stayed pissed off at her throughout the last third of the episode. She was unnecessarily cold to Spike when she went to see him in the basement, hoping he'd have info that could help her. I was so bothered that I yelled at my screen, "fenwic's right! You're a big mean girl!"

But by the end of the ep, I was okay. Because I got it. I understood where Buffy's coming from, and it made me able to cut her some more slack. In a very roundabout way, her inability to cope with Spike right now was the whole point of this episode. Buffy is a doer. She's Action Girl. She's not the nurturing sort who can sit around and hold someone's hand or just listen or just be there for them. She has to fix things. She had to fix things for Cassie, and when she couldn't, she believed she failed. But as Dawn told her, just showing Cassie that people cared made a world of difference for her. It didn't change the final outcome, but it made her last days on this earth a lot happier than they otherwise would have been.

Buffy knows that there is not a thing she can do to fix Spike or to make it better for him. Action Girl is completely useless in this situation, and this has paralyzed Buffy. She knows that he put himself in this hell for her and there's nothing she can do to pull him out of it. What's more, it seems that her being near him only makes it harder for him. I think that this would tear her up if she allowed herself to think too much about it, so right now she's keeping a wall up, trying to stay emotionally detached, because she simply doesn't know what to do with him, or for him, or about him.
"So what, then? What do you do when you know that? When you know that ... that maybe, you can't help."

It seemed to me she had a bit of an epiphany there. At the very least that even if she can't help, she still has to try. That it's the caring and compassion inherent in the simple act of trying that matters, regardless of the outcome. Hopefully this realization will carry over in to her future treatment of Spike. I think it will. But if it doesn't, I gotta say, I'm running out of slack for Buffy.

Of course, my little 'shipper heart was emboldened by Cassie's cryptic promise to Spike that "[Buffy]'ll tell [him] ... someday." But tell him what? That she loves him? That she forgives him? Both? At any rate, this also struck me as a message from the writers to the viewers: Be patient with Buffy. She'll get there.

Comforting, but not funny like the internet fandom mockage. Doogie Howser fanfic. Hee!

On a non-Spuffy note, Willow's visit to Tara's grave made me tear up. And her assurance to Xander that she's over him now elicited a giggle. And I continue to really like Dawn this year. I just realized that Anya was nowhere to be seen, but she gets a whole episode to herself next week (finally! Anya's past revealed! Whee!), so I guess I can't complain.

I was in the mood for some color.

The psych club finally had a productive meeting today, and I'm once again nominated for the editor position. But this time it won't be mandatory for me to attend every single meeting, and I have a feeling our new president won't try to micromanage me every step of the way, so this time it should work out much better. Plus, since the club doesn't have funds to actually publish a newsletter, one of the first things I'm going to do if I'm elected is put it all on the web. I'm much better at web layout than paper layout. So I'm actually looking forward to that job instead of dreading it for once.

Not much else worth mentioning. I'm all excited about new Buffy tonight, yet trying not to get my hopes up that there'll be much focus on Spike so that I won't be bitterly disappointed like so many folks were last week. Till then, I guess I'll work on converting the other sections to the new design. But first I think I'll go make some quesadillas. Mmm, quesadillas.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Erich wrote a surprisingly glowing review of Dancing Lessons. Surprising, because Erich has never really been one for fanfic. But he liked DL. Go us!

I got up an hour early this morning so I could write. Actually, I'd planned to get up early and write, but when the alarm went off and I was all toasty and snugly in my bed I decided to screw that nonsense, but a comedy of errors which I won't detail here led to my getting up anyway. But instead of writing I've been reading e-mail and catching up on the forum. Yeah, my week's off to a productive start.

I'm all happy because the weather has finally changed over to something that can be called "fall-like" without any stretch of the imagination. I had to turn the heater on for the first time this season when I got up this morning, and I might actually have to wear a jacket when I go out today. Yay for sweater weather! It's actually starting to put me in a bit of Halloween spirit. Too bad I don't actually have anything going on that night. I'd look forward to handing out treats, but last year we had a grand total of one trick-or-treater. This used to be the best neighborhood to trick-or-treat in, too. Sigh.

And now I've used up all of my extra (non-)writing time and have to go get around and go to class. At least this is only a three day week. And did I mention? Sweater weather! Yay!

Sunday, October 13, 2002

DL 3.8 is due today! And it's nowhere near finished! So, yeah. I cracked the whip last night and we found a pretty good stopping point to get at least half of the episode up, so look for that later this week. But I think we at DL can safely change our motto to "Deadline, schmeadline! We'll do it when we feel like it!"

Anyway ...

Oh. If you want to complain or ask what the Dicken's is taking so long, please either e-mail the authors (eep, adjrun & fenwic), or post a query in the forum. If you e-mail me about it, you'll only succeed in making me cry.

I'm a little worried about my cat. Vanilla, the old and very sweet kitty, not that little bitch Niblet. Her eye gunk is taking on this strange reddish hue, like there may be blood mixed in with it. The last time that happened it turned out she had a bad tooth that had to be pulled. So I'll be keeping an eye on her. I still need to get Niblet to the vet and get her spayed. Hopefully tomorrow I can remember to call and make an appointment to get her in this week. I have Fall Break at the end of this week, so that'd be a good time for it. Maybe I can get them both in and get Vanilla checked out as well. If there is something wrong with her, then at least I can be thankful that it happened while I have money to do something about it.

Saturday, October 12, 2002

Went to see Knockaround Guys last night. It was pretty eh. Vin Diesel was, as always, a treat to gaze upon (and his acting's not bad either). Seth Green was also really good, right up until [spoiler]he died a horrible death[/spoiler], thus ruining the movie for me. Feh.

So then last night I dreamed a Buffy dream in which Oz returned. This is the second night in a row that I had a Buffy dream in which I kept switching back and forth between actually being Buffy and being myself and watching the action on my TV. My recollection of the first one is too vague to recall here, but the important thing about that one is that Spike didn't show up once. My subconscious hates me. Anyway. In last night's, there was something about them being trapped in a house with a demon, a pretty standard plot and I won't bore you with the details, except that in the dream it was my house, but not any house I've ever actually lived in. Oz and Willow kept fighting, but I don't remember what about. Something to do with her powers. The demon got slayed, everybody escaped from the house, and then Willow started to climb Oz's tree as they both tumbled back into the house to, um, make up, leaving Xander, Dawn and I (for at that moment I was Buffy) standing on the lawn going, "Well. I guess Willow's definitely Not Gay Now." Then Xander and Dawn started to walk away, and Buffy started to follow (and I was suddenly back on my living room couch watching the telly), but she fell down as she was hit by a vision of Spike. He was underground somewhere in what looked like a sewer, and terribly hurt, and sinking under the water. As he sunk he was saying something, but I couldn't understand, and I started cursing and trying to find my remote to turn on closed captions, but by the time I got them turned on I was too late, and I didn't tape it, and I knew whatever he said was extremely important. And then I became cognizant enough to be upset that that's about the only type of appearance Spike ever makes in my dreams and to berate my subconsious for never letting me have Naughty Spike dreams. I mean, what the hell is up with that?

Anyway. Then I dreamed something about being at a party, and Terrence was there, and so was our old friend Clay and several of Terrence's friends. The party wasn't really my thing, so I was pretty shy, though I tried to participate in everything as best I could, and I figured at least I had people there to talk to. Except that they all kept avoiding me and pretending they didn't know me, including Terrence. I finally confronted him to find out what the hell everybody's problem was, and he told me to quit being such a stand-offish bitch and that none of them wanted anything to do with me and my snotty attitude. I woke up terribly upset with Terrence, angry enough that I started to compose an e-mail telling him to just stay away from me from now on if that's how he really feels. Thankfully I fell back to sleep before I could get up and actually send it. Although the thought of the look on his face upon opening and reading such an e-mail is pretty funny.

Speaking of e-mail, I need to answer some today (I'm thinking about writing to Ace. Just to ask about the nature of the alleged plethora of complaints lodged against me, and why I had to hear about it second-hand. Because I'm sure she's at the very least committing gross exaggeration, and I'm torn between not wanting to let her get away with it and wanting to just let it go and get on with my life. We'll see). After that I'm all about DL. Which, I'm sad to say, isn't going to get updated any time soon.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Time for more pointless quizzes!

What Cartoon Will I Lose My Cartoon Virginity To?

The Tick (The Tick): Stronger then any other person on the face of the earth, although not very bright, The Tick fights evil with the enthusiasm of a child. Happy and cheerful, the only thing that motivates him is the cradle of justice. Spoon!!!

What Cartoon Will I Lose My Cartoon Virginity To?

The B-Movie That Suits Me Is:

Robot Monster: Although Blood Feast might deserve this title better, Robot Monster is known as the king of crappy movies. Unlike Blood Feast, this movie played in major theatres. One of the writters took it so seriously that when the movie got much deserved bad reviews, he attempted suicide. In his mind it was art.

Find out which b-movie suits you.

As Albus Dumbledore, you are talented, intelligent, caring and a prominent leader. You have a full awareness of the distinction between right and wrong, and have a good and independant understanding of various moral issues. You are able to take leadership of a large group, and your conscientious and friendly nature makes you respectable to your peers.

And not a quiz, but always worth a look: James's arms! Arms of James!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

"'And now everybody's in here-uh. Tawking. 'I think
Spike must have some scenery stuck between his teeth
because he's having a terrible time enunciating and
sticking with an accent. ... And we fade to black as Spike has finally chewed
through all possible scenery."

Wow. I remember a time when the recappers at TWoP were at least able to separate Spike from JM and give props when JM turned in a good performance, no matter how much they hated Spike. I guess those days are over. So are my days of posting there. I mean, really. You can diss Spike all you want. You can even repeatedly diss Spike's fans. But if you can't recognize what every other critic on the planet agrees is quite possibly the best performance ever turned in on this show, and if you're so mired down in bitterness and so determined to hate a character that you can't bring yourself to say nice things about the actor who plays him, then I no longer have any use for you.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

I'm in a hurry and I have to go get focused on tomorrow's test, so I'm just copying this over from my message board (as opposed to copying from here to there like I usually do). Buffy spoilers ahoy ...











I for one am relieved that nothing profound happened with Spike this week. I have a test tomorrow and I can't afford to be up all night analyzing stuff.

This was a good ep. Not great, but plenty entertaining. I even got a little verklempt over Willow, when she was so happy and relieved that they came to save her and didn't leave her there. Plus I'm thrilled that she wasn't trying to shirk her responsibility or downplay her potential to be dangerous. This is still a Willow I can get behind.

Posable Dawn was comedy gold. I'm really liking Dawn so far. MT's comedic timing just keeps getting better.

Anya had good hair this ep, finally. I continue to love her. It'll be interesting to see where they're going with her conflictedness over her vengeance duties.

Xander continues to be an oblivious dumbass (and how funny that even in his current condition Spike still has the wherewithal to point this out), but at least he's a more loveable dumbass than he was last year. And he seems to be trying to at least be civil to Spike. I can't get too mad at him for wanting to get snarky. After all these years that's a reflexive reaction for him, and now he has legitimate cause to have to be nice to Spike rather than just tolerate him.

Spike. Bless his heart. I figure they're saving any major advances towards regaining his sanity until November sweeps (just speculation, people!). Anyway. He's still not in any condition to talk things out with Buffy. He goes from being overjoyed to see her (and reverting to William at the sight of her) to remembering what happened between them and being hit with the guilt, not even able to stand her looking at him. I'm glad they went to him for help. He made it emphatically clear during his lucid period last week that he wants nothing more than to help Buffy, and she's taking him up on that. And it's while he's in Helpful Spike mode that he's capable of being the most lucid. He has something to focus on besides Buffy and what happened between them, something to think about other than his past. I'd think it's almost a relief to him. People seemed to be worried that the SG were taking advantage of him, but he seemed lucid enough to me to say no, and he showed them that he's still perfectly capable of understanding them.

Did anybody else get the sense that when nobody else could see Willow in the basement, he decided she must be the MMBB?

Buffy is keeping her distance, and that's understandable (and not at all surprising considering we've still got a few weeks until sweeps. Iif any monumental Spuffy advances are coming, that's when they'll happen). She's majorly wigged, not just by Spike's fun new insanity but also by what he did for her. But enough trust has been re-established between them (on her side, at least) that she admitted to him that she was scared. That's not something she ever would have confessed to him before. Buffy's talking about her feelings, people. To Spike. She's being honest about how she feels. To Spike. That is fucking huge.

I'm sad that Giles didn't come home with Willow. Also? That was probably the most disturbing and downright nasty MotW ever. I haven't had such a visceral (heh) gross-out reaction to a TV show since back when X-Files was still good. Blech!

I hae 45 minutes left in which to write a brief essay on if/how the Tao has helped me to better understand myself. I got a sentence written. Then I felt like blogging instead, even though I really have nothing to blog about. But I do have something to sing about! Which is that there's new Buffy tonight! Also, I listened to Joss's wife's demo recording of that song on my OMWF CD a while ago whilst I made a breakfast burrito run to Sonic and now that line is stuck in my head. Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and share the Squee! I'm gonna go write the rest of my paper now. Ciao. (<====Imagine Eddie Izzard there and it's automatically funny.)

Monday, October 07, 2002

Since my "not really a fic" post-BY scene got a better response than I'd anticipated (*Smooch!* to everybody who commented on it), I went ahead and cleaned it up and posted it here.

I broke down and bought the "Once More With Feeling" soundtrack today, mainly because Terrence said Joss's liner notes were funny. And he was right. That, and finally getting to clearly hear the last line of the Parking Ticket song made it money well spent. Plus the centerfold has several shots of James being directed by Joss, and they caught the poor guy (James, that is) with some truly goofy looks on his face. Hee!

In other news ... nothing particularly remarkable happened today. Went to class, went to my internship, everybody behaved, Sis didn't have to take anybody to the carpet, went to St. Louis Bread for coffee, dinner and to study for Wednesday's adolescent psych test. Whee. Oh, and then Wal-Mart, where the security strip from Barnes & Noble that was still on my OMWF CD in my purse set off the door alarm as I went in, so that was fun. But the door greeter just scratched his head and then deactivated it for me, and that was that. If this were the kind of blog where I engage in navel gazing introspection and self-analysis I'd tell you about all of the deeply depressing thoughts that woke me up in the middle of the night re: my still woefully single status, but this isn't that kind of blog, so I'll refrain. Count yourself lucky, buck-o.

Oh, and last night's Angel? Rocked the casbah. That is all.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

More Buffy-licious online quiz results, and then I must go be productive.

Which Buffy Musical Song Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Spike-centric Buffy episode are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which Spuffy kiss are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

And I'll throw in an Angel quiz to celebrate the season premiere tonight:

Which Angel character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Life lessons remembered this morning:

  • English breakfast tea is no substitute for a good cup o' joe (note to self: buy coffee).

  • The time you set aside to answer reader e-mail is always exactly the same time Hotmail will decide not to let you in.

  • Don't stress too much over writer's block, because the ideas will come back to you eventually, and will often bring friends. And then surprise you by throwing parties in your head at early hours in the morning, waking you and assuring that you can't go back to sleep until you've written them down somewhere.

  • A cat in heat is quite possibly the most annoying thing that there is, period (note to self: call vet tomorrow re: spaying).

I enjoyed Red Dragon more than I thought I would. I was pleasantly surprised at how closely it followed the book. Ed Norton was a nice surprise. I never would have pictured him as Wil Graham, but he convinced me. Ralph Feinnes was spot on as the Tooth Fairy. Harvey Keitell's (sp?) Jack Crawford bugged me, though. Too bad they couldn't have gotten Scott Glenn back for that role. But they did have the same actors playing Chilton and Barney, which made for good continuity. I actually think that, for this turn, I like Brian Cox's Lecter a wee bit better than Anthony Hopkins's. I'm sure somewhere that's considered blasphemy, but there you have it. Not that watching Sir Hopkins wasn't a good time. At any rate, not as good as Silence of the Lambs, but much, MUCH better than Hannibal. And preferable to Manhunter if you're a stickler for staying as faithful as possible to the source material.

Saturday, October 05, 2002

I really have nothing to talk about. The most exciting thing to happen in my little world over the last few days is that my dog went to the groomer. Which is always a little sad for me, because I think he's cutest when he's all shaggy.

It's a fall day today, so that's nice. The temp's not supposed to break out of the 70s. Still a little warm for my tastes for this time of year, but it should be cool enough for me to wear a sweater tonight, so yay. If Tess is game, I'm going to drag her to see Red Dragon tonight. My expectations are actually pretty low. I've got the original Manhunter version on DVD, which is a pretty fantastic film, and I've read the book, and I've a feeling this new version won't live up to either, Anthony Hopkins or no. But Ralph Feinnes gets naked. I am SO there. Plus, Ed Norton. He's cool.

I watched Firefly last night, natch. Loved it. I'm not obsessed with it yet, but if every episode is as entertaining as last night's, I could get there. At this point, though, it's still not enough to completely relieve the bummed feeling I get over Chricton-less Friday nights. Jayne having named his big gun after a woman only intensified this feeling. All I could think was, "*Sniff* Wynona!"

I continue to be obsessed with/overwhelmed by that last Buffy ep. I've yet to get through a whole day without popping in the tape and watching all of Spike's scenes. Though I've finally gotten to the point where I can get past "Oh! Poor baby!" and really appreciate JM's performance. He's really playing at least three characters throughout -- William, various incarnations of Spike, and some confused amalgam of the two -- and where a lot of actors would have gone over the top in switching personas and making the delineations clear, with JM the switches are so subtle. Just slight changes in the accent, in the way he moves, in the vernacular of his speech ... each barely perceptible yet clearly recognizeable. Just ... damn. There are no words for how good that was.


Anyway. Angel starts up tomorrow night. I'm not all "Squeee!" like I was with Buffy, but I'm getting pretty jazzed.

I need to do stuff today, including cleaning, writing back to Chad (hiya!), and finishing up the DL CDs. So I'm gonna go do that now. Ciao!

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Lookie, lookie! Deeablo has succumbed to the lure of LJ. Now I have to update my links again.

It's not a fic. It's a ficlet. A leetle bitty baby fic, that hardly counts at all.

Oh, just shut up and read.


"Buffy? Can we rest?"

Buffy couldn't move. She couldn't speak, because she had no idea what to say. She could only stare at the fractured creature on the altar as the full meaning of what he'd just told her sunk in. The acrid smell of burning hair and skin penetrated her senses, snapping her out of it and spurring her to action.

"God. Spike, stop it!"

"Just want to rest," he mumbled.

"Not there. Spike, you're hurting yourself." When he didn't move, Buffy rushed forward and grabbed his shoulders, yanking him off the cross. He stumbled into her and they both fell backwards onto the floor. Buffy managed to sit up. She cradled him in her lap. "Oh, God," she whispered when she saw the burns.

Spike looked down at them, and broke into hysterical laughter that ended in a choked sob. A tear landed on his burned cheek, causing him to flinch. Buffy realized it had come from her. "Sorry," she said. "I'm so sorry." It dawned on her that she'd begun to rock him. She raised a hand to stroke his hair.

When she did, he pushed it away. "Don't." He struggled to get up. She tried to help him, but he swatted her hand away. "Don't!" He got to his feet, but remained crouching, his arms wrapped around himself.

Buffy just sat, stunned. He was afraid of her touch. And why shouldn't he be? She bit back her own sob and got to her feet. Her breakdown would have to wait until she'd dealt with his. Time to be Action Buffy. Wiping her eyes, she looked around for his shirt. She found it lying in the spot where he'd thrown it after she'd first come in. Then she returned and knelt in front of Spike.

"Spike," she said, trying to make her voice sound commanding, "you can't stay here."

"No." He held out his forearm and fingered the burnt flesh. "Not hardly wanted here."

"Let me take you home."

He raised his eyes to meet hers. "Home?"

"My house," she clarified.

He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Just want to rest."

"And you will. That's all, I promise." She stood and held a hand out to him. "Let me help you, Spike."

He gazed at her outstretched hand for a moment, then his gaze shifted to her other hand, still clutching his shirt. He snatched it from her and held it up in front of his chest. Then he took her hand and let her pull him to his feet.

"It's gonna be okay," she told him, and led him out of the church.

They walked home in silence. Spike seemed to retreat into himself, though he clung to Buffy's hand like a lifeline. As for Buffy, what could she say? What could she possibly say to this ... this man, who'd brought hell on himself because of her? She couldn't tell him that she never wanted this, that she never would have wished for him to suffer like this. What good would that do him now?

When they reached the house, Dawn met them at the door, dressed in her pajamas. "So, what's the what? Did you slay giant dog-eating worm boo-- Oh, my God." She stared at Spike, standing in the doorway. Her eyes traced his burns. "What ... what happened?"

Spike met her eyes and let out a laugh. "Woke up on fire."

"But, I didn't ... I was only ..." She shook her head and looked at her sister. "Buffy, what happened?"

"Let me get him squared away and then I'll tell you." Buffy started to guide Spike up the stairs.

"But what are you --"

"Dawn, there should be some Solarcaine in my beach bag down in the basement. Will you go get it and bring it up?"

Dawn nodded, and after another worried glance at Spike, went to get the medicine.

"Come on," Buffy prodded Spike. "Let's go upstairs."

He didn't move, but he didn't let go of her hand. "I don't ..." He swallowed. "Can't go up there."

"You can." She tugged his hand, but he didn't move. Buffy sighed and stepped back down to his level. "Just to sleep, okay? I'd put you on the couch, but it'll be easier to keep the sunlight out upstairs. Okay?"

With a little sigh, he nodded, and followed her up. She led him into her bedroom and seated him on the bed. Finally, she pulled her hand out of his. "Just ... hold tight. I'll be right back." She went in the bathroom and rummaged through the cabinets until she found what she wanted: an amber bottle labeled "Codeine" with her mother's name on it. She shook the bottle and heard a few pills rattle inside. Satisfied, Buffy filled a cup with water and went back into the bedroom.

Dawn stood in the doorway, looking uncertain.

"Did you find the Solarcaine?" Buffy asked her, setting the water and pills on the nightstand.

Nodding, she stepped in the room and held it up. "I brought my aloe vera, too."

"Thanks." Buffy took the can of medication from her and shook it as she moved back in front of Spike.

His gaze drifted around the room. "Your mum's room," he said.

Buffy nodded. "It used to be."

He reached out and ran a hand over the iron headboard. "Your bed, though."

"Yeah. I'm sleeping in here now. Okay, hold still. This might sting a little." She began to spray his burns, but he didn't even seem to notice.

"Never let me in your bed before," he said. There was no suggestion in his words, just a statement of fact.

"Well, you said it." She offered him a weak smile. "First time for everything." Buffy exchanged glances with Dawn. "Um, I'm gonna sleep in Dawn's room tonight. If that's okay?"

"Sure," Dawn said from the foot of the bed. "Of course."

"Here, look at me." Buffy gently tilted Spike's face so she could get better coverage on his cheek. "There," she said, capping the can and setting it down. "Better?"

Spike looked at her and lifted an eyebrow.

"Right. Um ... here." She opened the pills, grabbed his hand and spilled two of them into his palm. After some consideration, she poured out a third. Not like these things could kill him.

"What's this?"

"It'll help the pain. From the burns, anyway. It'll also help you sleep." She pressed the water into his other hand and watched as he downed the pills. Then she set the cup aside and turned down the bed. "Get in," she told him. "Get some sleep. Then maybe we can talk some more."

Spike nodded and crawled under the covers. Buffy motioned Dawn into the hall before she made sure the curtains were tightly closed. She grabbed some sleep clothes for herself, then went back to the nightstand and reached for the lamp.


His voice stabbed her heart. So lost and afraid, like a scared little boy. "Yeah, Spike?"

"Did it ... did I ... get it right this time?"

"I don't--" Buffy sighed. She couldn't tell him she didn't know. He got back his soul for her. It didn't matter that she didn't ask him to. Not in so many words, at least; but she saw him now. Saw him, who he'd been all along, and saw herself. Saw how he'd tried so hard to love her, and how she'd refused to accept that love. Refused to accept him. She'd accepted his body, sure. And she took all the help he was willing to give. But every time he'd tried to give her himself, she'd thrown it back in his face. You can't love. You're not real. You don't have a soul. Nope, she didn't ask him to. But it's not like she'd left him any other choice. "Shame on me," she whispered.


"Yeah, Spike. You got it right." She swallowed and swiped at a tear that escaped down her cheek. "But I had it so wrong."

"Couldn't be helped, Love."

"Couldn't it?"

She reached down and stroked his hair, loosening the gel and coaxing it into soft curls. She stood there until she heard his breathing stop.

"Buffy?" Dawn poked her head into the room. "You coming?"

"Be right there, Dawnie."

"You're gonna tell me what's going on, right?"

"Yeah. I'll tell you everything, I promise. Just let me get ready for bed first."

"Okay. But don't take too long." Dawn slipped back into the hall.

Buffy looked back down at the broken man in her bed. She leaned over him and brushed her lips across his forehead. "Rest," she told him as she turned off the light.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Well, duh.

Who's your male Buffy soul mate?

brought to you by Quizilla

Too. Many. Thoughts. "Buffy" spoilers ahoy ...











First off, I just want to say that I hereby forgive Doug Petrie for "As You Were." I'm sure he'll sleep much better at night knowing this.

Wow. Last night's episode was just ... wow. I don't even know where to begin. So I guess I'll start at the beginning.

The girl in Germany, and the girl last week in Istanbul: Potential Slayers in training? This is the most obvious answer. If this is what they are, and this big new (or really, really old) evil is being so thorough in covering its bases, then what about Faith? I don't know any spoilers or casting info, I have absolutely no idea whether Eliza Dushku has made any agreements to appear this season; but if this Mighty Morphin' Big Bad (tm adj, or possibly g. By they way, they're both much better at this whole analysis thing than I am, so you should go check out their LJs if you're into the speculating) is indeed wiping out all of the potential Slayers before it faces Buffy, then chances are it's going to try to take out Faith as well. The Slayer lineage carries on through her, and if the MMBB had deemed her safely tucked away in prison and unlikely to interfere, then why bother killing off her potential replacements? I'm not a huge fan of Faith, but I hope whatever happens with her doesn't happen off-screen and we're then told about it via exposition. At any rate, I'm intrigued.

Spike. Oh, Spike. In his first scene, when the walls begin to shake and he freaks out, he shouts, "Stop! Please, mum! Begging now! Make it stop!" Insight into William's past, or the insignificant ravings of a crazy man? I don't know, but again, I'm intrigued. More on Spike later. Of course.

I love Giles. That can't be said enough. I hope hope HOPE he's coming back to Sunnydale with Willow. Speaking of Willow, I'm still not down with the stereotypical Wicca-ness of her, but barring that, this is a Willow I can get behind. My Willow love is coming back, and I find I'm giving more than a rat's ass about her once again. So that's nice.

My Xander love is coming on pretty strong, too. He's still protective of Buffy, but not so much so that he doesn't know when to back down. I'm kinda sad that he didn't lift a finger to help Anya when Spike started whaling on her. I was really hoping those two kids would work things out. Also, he's accepted that Buffy had a relationship with Spike and, though he doesn't like it, he seemed to accept that Spike may still have a place in their lives. I also loved that Spike seemed to respect Xander's place in Buffy's life and his protectiveness of her. No taunting, no snarky comebacks or putdowns, just, "I'll be quick." Also, the HoYay! look exchanged between the two boys when Nancy asked if any of them hadn't slept together was abso-frigging-lutely priceless. I almost have hope again that Spike & Xander can actually get to be friends.

Speaking of protectiveness of Buffy, I love "unbelievably scary" Dawn! I'm so happy with the way she seems to have matured. She's no longer the irritating, spoiled, self-centered teen; she's a poised and assertive young woman with a good head on her shoulders who can see that it's not all about her. And if she doesn't scream "Get out get out GET OUT!" once this season, I'll be a happy Jean.

Poor Rocky, indeed. How much do I love that it was the vengeance demon and the vampire who expressed the most concern over the dog? That Spike managed to carve a moment out of his complete and total breakdown to express sorrow for the little puppy was absurdly touching. More importantly, by the look on Buffy's face, I think it was her first tip-off that he wasn't faking or playing some kind of game. Whoa, Spike gives a shit about the dog? Something's definitely up.

There's probably nothing I can say about that final scene that hasn't already been said elsewhere, but, damn. Props to both JM and SMG for some of the finest acting of both their careers. Everybody's going on about Spike in this scene, as well they should; but I'm going to focus on Buffy. Her confusion and mistrust was palpable here, and it went from that to out-and-out fear when Spike said he'd dreamt of killing her. This was the first time she'd raised a stake to him since "Fool for Love," and the first time since probably "School Hard" that she did so out of fear instead of intimidation. For the first time she was at a total loss as to what to expect from him, and I think she realized for the first time that this was not the same Spike. And then the look on her face when he mentioned Angel, the moment it clicked for her that he was talking about his soul. Understanding, but still with the confusion and disbelief, until she finally asked why? "Shame on you," he said. Shame on Buffy, indeed. Again and again since he first confessed his love for her, she's berated him for not having a soul and has refused to let herself believe that he was fully capable of loving her. He's wanted nothing more than for her to see him for who he is instead of what he is, but she hasn't allowed herself to see beyond "vampire." She came close, in "Intervention," after he withstood all that hellgod torture to protect her, but then she got distracted with Glory and her death and resurrection and subsequent deep depression and lost sight of whatever it was she'd seen in him that day. But now she's confronted with the truth of it, forced to face it in such a way that she can't possibly deny his love for her. Spike got his soul back for her. He's now enduring untold suffering and torment because he loves her. And she saw this, and finally really saw him, and she wept for him. And that, my friends, is huge.


The imagery of Spike draped over the cross was powerful indeed, but also exciting in that it harkens back to Giles's dream in "Restless." G has probably mentioned all of this already but I haven't read her LJ yet so I'm just gonna forge ahead. In Giles's dream, he comes across Spike, literally posing as the Big Bad for some paparazzi (which brings to mind both the fact that Spike was initially a facade carefully crafted by William after he was first turned and the way he hid behind his Big Bad persona when Anya threatened to expose his soul). Before leaving, Giles says, "I still think Buffy should have killed you." Spike responds by striking a Crucifix pose. This gives me hope that the other Spike segment in "Restless" has yet to be fully realized and that it's coming. I am, of course, talking about the bit in Xander's dream in which Spike is apparently human (as he's fully in sunlight and not burning up) and being trained by Giles to become a Watcher. He's already filled in as a pseudo-Watcher of sorts since then. Even tonight, he was the one with all of the knowledge about the demon they were fighting. But I'm growing more and more to suspect that Spike is going to end up human before it's all done with. But that's a whole 'nother post.

After tonight's Buffy I seem to be stuck in a semi-permanent state of "Whoa!" I'll do my best to gather my thoughts enough to post something coherent by the time I'm done with all my schooling today.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Soooo tempted not to go to my PM class. But that would be wrong.

Today's shaping up to be a pretty good day. I feel better than I've felt in a week; my Perspectives class just hit a section on power in government and politics, and the prof used School House Rock to illustrate (and as such I've had "Just A Bill" stuck in my head all day; I ::heart:: my prof!); I got a 96 on the paper I wrote for that class a couple of weeks ago; I had a lovely drive into Tulsa and back after class to comparison-shop televisions at Target; I came back to Wal-Mart here in town, where my brother-in-law just happened to be available to fetch me the TV I wanted, so I didn't have to wait around for help (I ::heart:: my brother-in-law!); and oh, did I mention? I bought a new TV.


19" (yeah, I know, but compared to my current 13" it's a vast improvement) with a built in VCR, so I don't have to worry about hooking that up. So I can come home from gender psych and hook that puppy to the dish in time to watch and record what is already purported to be an awesome episode of Buffy. And it's Spuffy 'shippers doing said purporting. Oh yes, I am feeling the RMoS. Squee! See? There's one right there.

Though I'm not likely to be too focused on the subject matter, my gender psych prof has instituted a grading scale based on how often we show up, so I'd best get myself to class. I also have to go to the post office to mail some CDs. That's right, I'm finally mailing the CDs. That's not the end of them, I've got three more sets to put together and mail (for xtmont, kimmerwoman and a nice lady who sent me a check but didn't include an e-mail address so I can let her know I got it), but if I can assemble those tonight during Smallville (there will be no CD assemblage during Buffy, mind you), then those will go in the mail tomorrow. Then I'll be done. With all of the donations to date, at any rate.
