The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

This building has an onsite chiropractor. Score! Bit pricey, though, so I won't be going until after my probation is up and I can sign up for insurance. My back's been doing better lately, though, so no big. The yoga seems to be helping.

So here's the lowdown, as far as I understand it so far: I have a 90 day probation period in which I'm still working through the temp agency, and when that's up I'll switch over to the company payroll, at which time my pay will go up a dollar an hour and I'll be eligible for benefits. Which is cool with me right now because as long as I'm with the temp agency I'll get paid weekly. I don't know yet what the payday schedule will be after that. But until I'm caught up on everything and have a chance to pad my savings account and whatall, a weekly check is a very good thing. I also still owe people money for various event tickets they were kind enough to get for me, and that's my number one priority right now. Except, I'm so desperate for office-appropriate clothing that I think I'm going to go ahead and go shopping with this week's check. It's from last week's part time hours, so it won't be big enough to cover my debts, anyway.

I'm feeling good about the writing, too. Despite what I said elsewhere about holding off on novel work until I get acclimated, I'm actually managing to get quite a bit done on my lunch hour. Rewrites are still on hold until I get my own login and e-mail account set up, though, and know the phones well enough that they'll leave me by myself long enough to get anything done. For now I only get to be on the computer when the other gals go to lunch. But eventually I'll be on my own pretty much all day, and then I should have ample opportunity to work on my revisions. Yay!

Now if I can just figure out how I'm going to work in the working out...


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