I'm in pain. It starts in the small of my back and wraps around my left hip and shoots down the back of my left leg, which screams to me "pinched nerve!" which in turn screams to me "get thee to a chiropractor!" which only adds to my money woes. Le sigh. So far, it's constant and distracting, but it's not debilitating. Hopefully things will work out so that I'll be able to get it taken care of before it becomes debilitating. Not really looking forward to the prospect of walking with a cane and needing my mom to help me dress like I did the last time I had this problem and let it go unchecked.
I've kind of been in denial about my financial and employment situations, telling myself that temping is plenty. Which it would be if I were actually receiving temp assignments (and I realize the irony of whining this whine after my last post about turning down that temp-to-hire job). But a lot of that was just fronting for the fact that the fruitlessness of my job search was depressing the shit out of me and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. However, I think it's time to wake up and smell the emptying checking account and impending loan bills and start dealing. I've got to get back on the job search train. I'm still thinking maybe I should just get myself a mindless retail job while I finish up the novel. That wouldn't make me rich, but it would cover my bills and still let me make writing my main priority. And I could probably finish the book before the job started to suck my soul. Then again, there are always call center jobs, which would require as much customer service as retail but at least I'd get to sit down. Plus they pay better. Yes, I think that would probably be the smart thing to do. Either way, once I finish my book I can start looking for a real job. If the book sells, yay, all of my problems are solved! If it doesn't, then it's time to for me to hightail it to grad school. So, yes. I think I'm having a plan.
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