The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, September 10, 2004

I ended up crashing hard around dinner time last night and gave up and crawled into bed around 8. I slept hard and heavy and, if I had any dreams, I don't remember them. It was v. v. good. It also made it pretty easy to get up this morning and get to work on the chapter, which I finished, so go me!

I think I need to revise my plan and timeline a bit, though. I know I can proceed and write at least two more chapters of Michael's arc (after which the separate plot threads should all start to tie together), but I think I need to go back and revise the Pooka's arc a little before I can move ahead there. So I'll go ahead and write the two Michael chapters next week, but after that I guess it's really, truly time to start typing and revising. Which is really very exciting, and not a little daunting.

Speaking of daunting, I pulled up an old short story I wrote to just go ahead and post it here, but I've managed to convince myself that I should keep trying to get it published (after all, it's only had one rejection, and how pathetic am I if I let that convince me to quit?); but reading through the market listings and trying to decide where to submit it is making my head hurt. And also making me fantasize about having an agent. I suck so hard at this part of the process. I also let myself get way too intimidated by snotty-sounding submission guidelines. And then there's the dreaded cover letter to write... now I'm back to just wanting to throw the story up here and be done with it. Sigh.

And speaking of story submissions: still no word from iHero, beyond their assurance that they received my story and intend to read it ASAP. Seeing as how they just told the mailing list that they had to evacuate because of the hurricanes, I'm guessing the S isn't very P. S'okay, though. Since I wrote it specifically for them it's not like I have a whole lot of other markets to try.

Now is the time on Sprockets when we get off our ass and go work out.


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