The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Well, the eBay was a hassle, but it turned out to be well worth it. My stuff didn't do as well as I'd thought/hoped it would, but I met my goal and now have plenty of spending money for my trip to Cali, provided I spend frugally. I'm still waiting on a couple of people to mail me money orders. I hope I get those before I leave (and that I can get their stuff shipped so that I can put this whole eBay thing behind me and move on).

Don't recall whether I mentioned here that I spent Thursday and Friday doing data entry for T.D. Jakes Ministries. Or, well, for the call/distribution center that handles all of the mail and phone calls for him and several other big name televangelists. So that was intersting. But for as little as the job paid and for as many rules and restrictions they had concerning breaks and on-the-clock communication with the outside world, I don't know if I'll be taking any more jobs there. I certainly wouldn't want to work there long-term. At any rate, hopefully I'll also get that paycheck before I leave. Then I'll be able to have some emergency money on top of the spending cash.

Today is all about laundry and cleaning. I really want it to be about sleeping, but I have too much to get done before the trip. I need to clear the eBay explosion out of my living room and make it livable again so that my mom will be comfortable hanging out here to visit my pets and give them love while I'm gone. And I need to clean up some other messes so that she doesn't take it upon herself to "help" and throw a bunch of my stuff away while I'm gone, as she tends to do, and keeps doing, even though she invariably throws out important things that are not trash and gets bitched at for it once I realize what happened. I've made her promise to leave all my crap alone this time, but I think it's best to remove the temptation.

Busy, busy, busy. And somehow I need to fit writing in there.


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