The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

My Big Exciting Weekend Plans are thus:
  • Work on sewing and assembling knitted purses
  • Put more crap up for sale on eBay
  • Keep working on swag for Oakland gathering
  • Write another scene for fic I've been working on for last three years of my life ohGodpleaseletitendsoon*cries*
  • Put antifreeze in Jesus Van and try driving it somewhere
Whoo doggies, don't that all sound fun?

I'm also going to try to blog. I mean a real post that I actually have to put some thought into, not this lame-ass weekend to do list business. Like answering zapthepram's question, maybe. And I might try to finish Chapter 9 since I didn't actually get that done this week (Bad Jean!). Right now I'm debating whether to go walk a couple miles or dust off my bicycle and ride it for a while. Last time I rode my bike it killed my poor back dead, and I haven't ridden it since. But I wasn't stretching then. Maybe if I stretch it'll be okay. It would sure be nice to break up the monotony of walking around in circles.

Oh, and yesterday I read Blood Rites by Jim Butcher. If you care and didn't catch it already, I reviewed it in my LJ (no spoilers).

That is all for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I just switched from regular ol' AOL to netscape (thier cheap cousin :) ), and I can't figure out how to send an email through the windows program yet (I've got it configured wrong, but I'm just a lazy soul who doesn't feel like delving into programing files...yadda yadda yadda...)which is why I'm posting this here. But I had to tell you; just finished "The Butterfly Effect" off of Flavours Spuffy site and WHOA! ... are YOU ever talented! And did I read that tag correctly (at the end of the last chapi)- something about a sequel? :)!!!! Not to scare ya, but you've just created a new obsessive fan...not STALKER obsessive, just 'gotta check the CousinJean's site for updates every DAY now' ...obsessive...which,yeah, still kinda scary. You're so very talented, and I hope you keep writing ALL your stories (big spuffer here, but ALL fiction/nonfic/writing is good). And the story made me feel SO much better about the whole bad ending on the shows - BtVS and AtS. Still kinda bitter 'bout that...

Your new fan,


10:01 PM  
Blogger Jean Bauhaus said...

*blush* Thanks, Duke!

Yep, there's a sequel already in progress at Just click on "memorable posts" in the side bar, scroll down to "The Butterfly Effect," and then scroll down to the bottom to get to the new parts. It's coming along slowly, but surely.

FYI, my LJ is what you'll want to watch for fanfic info and updates. I'm thrilled that you care about my non-fanfic writing, though, and this is where I babble on about that.

Thanks again!

1:29 PM  

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