My closet, she is clean!
"Big deal," you might be saying, but you must understand that this is the scary closet into which I've been randomly shoving crap I don't want to deal with since I moved in here. It was one of those cliched messy closets in which avalanches happen when the doors are opened and then you have to fight to get them closed again.
But no more!
Probably a third of what was in there went in the trash. Another third is standing by waiting to either be eBayed or carted off to resell shops and/or charity. And the remainder is neatly organized and easy to get to. I even fit all my knitting supplies in there, and! I think there's room for my comic book boxes. Or at least there will be after I go through those and take out what I want to sell and condense the keepers down to fewer boxes. That's probably going to be tomorrow's project.
I feel so accomplished. Cower before my organizational might, mere mortals! Or, y'know, not.
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