The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, July 23, 2004

So I finished chapter seven. Yeah, seven. I miscounted before when I said six. Or misread the chapter header. Or something. At any rate, it's done, and I'm further along than I thought I was, and there was much rejoicing.

Eight and nine are pretty much already written in my head, so those should go quickly once I get to them. And ten will consist mostly of the first scene I ever wrote for this thing. After that I'm going to have to do some thinking about What Happens Next. That should be fun.

This weekend, though, I need to be all about going through my crap and deciding what I can part with and either sell on eBay or unload at Vintage Stock to raise some spending cash for my trip to Oakland at the end of August. No, I can't really afford the trip, but I'm going anyway, dammit. Just you try and stop me. I'm so freaking psyched about it, and I'm already putting together schwag to exchange with my friends once I get there. Whee! MiniCon schwag is the best kind of schwag.

The eBay thing should be interesting, as I'm basically an eBay virgin. And just getting everything prepped to sell sounds like a lot of work. I think Tulsa has one of those eBay stores, so I might just haul my crap there and let them deal with it. But then again I might have just a tetch too much control freak in me to leave it to strangers. So we'll see. Right now I probably shouldn't be thinking too far beyond surviving the excavation through my scary closet and deciding what to sell, lest I get completely overwhelmed and just scrap the whole idea the way I usually do. And that won't happen this time. Nope. This time I'm really gonna do it. Really. Yes, really.

Oh, shut up.


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