The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Catching up...

What an unexciting, uneventful week this has been. Well, that's not entirely true. From a writing standpoint, I finished and submitted both a short story and a non-fiction article; but the exciting thing will be if/when they get accepted and published.

I'm feeling a little out of touch because, aside from those projects, most of my time has been spent holed up in the guestroom downstairs, trudging my way through chapter 6. I'm still trying to get a picture in my head of what this world I'm writing in looks like, and that's what's taking so long. Well, that, and I [guilty]keep getting distracted by fanfic ideas[/guilty]. But I have high hopes of finishing the chapter tomorrow, or at least getting the rest of the way through a really rough draft/detailed outline of the thing.

Today I took off and went to run errands and buy stuff, some of it necessary, some if it slightly frivolous, but all of it justifiable. I went by Hobby Lobby to get material to finish off a couple of knitting projects I just finished, and ended up also buying new yarn to make two new purses. But if they come out looking like they do in my head, they'll be superfunkycool and will make fabulous gifts. Or just keep me in purses for the rest of the year. Whichever. After that I came home and watched Big Brother 5 (Scott + Jase = OMGHATE!!!!1!), then it was an oh-so-thrilling evening of walking the dog, working out, and playing with the nephew, who is here whilst his parents work on renovating their new house. Which brings me to now, wherein I'm in extreme need of a shower. Clean up, Stinky Jean.


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