The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Of course, it would be the day that I decide to go to town without bothering with such trifling inconveniences as grooming myself that some guy decides to flirt with me at the gas pump. Boys is wacky.

Coming back from Wal-Mart this afternoon was a thrilling, heart-pounding adventure! There was the afore-mentioned brief flirtation at the pumps, and then there was an almost-collision as I tried to make a left turn on the main street. I looked both ways, waited til it was clear, looked both ways again, then proceeded to turn, and came literally thisclose *holds fingers about a half-inch apart* to turning right into the car of some little idiot boy, who didn't even look old enough to have his license, who came out of nowhere. Somehow, we both managed to stop without so much as a tap. Phew. Of course, my groceries and the contents of my purse all ended up all over the floor of my van, but I'll take that over a banged up fender any day. I backed up (thank God nobody was behind me), motioned for him to get out of my way, and he drove off laughing as his little idiot also-too-young-to-be-driving friend hung out the passenger window and gave me the finger. Ah, youth. How I want to smack 'em all.

Novel update, for those who are keeping track: Yesterday I finished chapter 11. Today I plotted through chapter 20. I still don't know how many chapters it's going to end up being, but I'm guessing it'll be around 30. Which means it's not at the halfway mark yet. But it's getting there.


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