The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I finally managed to doze a little. And while I did I dreamed of being thrown on topsy-turvy rides. Not roller coasters, but more like those Super Round-Up and Enterprise things that go upside down in a circle and mainly hold you in by centrifugal force. And instead of just me being strapped into a seat I was thrown in big compartments with a bunch of my stuff and I tried to keep working while holding on for dear life. And a couple of times I fell asleep on the rides.

Analyze that!

Did I ever mention my Pop-Up Book of Nightmares? It's sitting on my coffee table and it's quite a lot of fun. It lists several of the most common-place nightmares along with pop-up illustrations (hence the title) and mostly Freudian explanations for each. The only ones that are in there that I ever have are apocalyptic dreams and dreams of being chased (by tornadoes). I don't really buy the explanation it gives for the tornadoes, but then I don't generally buy Freudian explanations of anything, because, while dear old Sigmund might have made some incredible contributions to the advancement of psychology, let's face it: the man was a coke-head.

And now I'm going to go get cleaned up and then I think the rest of the day is going to be about catching up on e-mail and comments and maybe about redesigning my journals. So don't be surprised if you stop by and see weirdness happening.

But first I must coax this kitty out of my lap.


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