My arms and legs are still not tan, but they're much more freckled than they were before I went to California. And there's your random observation for the day.
I thought about treating today like the holiday that it is and goofing off all day, but I figured that would only make it that much harder to get started tomorrow, so I didn't. Which is a good thing, because as it is I finished my twelfth chapter before noon and now I get to ride this accomplishy feeling all day. It's been almost a full two weeks since I last visited Michael, Alathea, Leila and the Pooka, and it was like I never left them. That was also a good feeling.
I also started what will hopefully become a new workout routine today. My brother loaned me his elliptical trainer, and I love it so. It's downstairs in my mother's sun room. I moved my small TV and old VCR from my bedroom to down there and watched "Serenity" (the original Firefly pilot) while I worked out, and the time flew by. Yay to good TV that distracts from the painful exercise.
Now I'm pondering where to go next to make a dent in the Big Organization Project of 2004. I'm thinking I need to go through my books and box up all the ones that I bought years ago but have never gotten around to reading. I'll probably forego eBay this time and pawn them off at a used book store. That shelf is pretty cluttered, though.
Yesterday I cleaned up and rearranged the opposite bookcase where all the trappings of my biggest fangirl obsessions are displayed openly for the mocking. While I did that I listened to a copy of The War of the Worlds remake performed by several Star Trek cast members that I keep forgetting I own. And you know, I can see how the original broadcast would have freaked everybody the hell out. Even so, I had to laugh when Leonard Nimoy broke character at the end to assure the audience that they were only funnin' us. Listening to it last night brought back memories, though. I remember listening to the original broadcast of this version on NPR many Halloween Eves ago as I drove from Norman to Stillwater to hang out and watch scary movies with my friend Tess. ...or maybe I was just driving home for the weekend. Okay, so it didn't bring back vivid memories. But I do know I was driving, and wherever I was destined it was far enough away to allow me to hear the entire play. And also that it was Halloween Eve.
I've been pretty nostalgic about Halloween lately, and that sure didn't help (how's that for a segway, suckers? [/mrmonkeybottoms]). Between the bookstore and Tommy the other night we killed time in the mall's new Halloween store, and that really made me jones for the entire month of October. But it also made me want to do something more this year than watch horror movies while waiting for the occasional trick-or-treater. I even designed myself a costume. Well, in my head I did. But it's a simple costume that will require little preparation. Now I just need to come up with some place to wear it to that night. It might be a good night to finally go check out some pubs that have opened in Tulsa fairly recently. I know I don't want to go to any of the clubs, those are too crowded and hectic. Heck, maybe my friends and I will just go out to a movie instead of staying in. But I'm dressing up for Halloween this year, dammit! It's too bad all of my friends I know who throw parties all live two or three states away.
I was going to ramble a bit about knitting, too, but this post is already pretty long so I think I'll spare you... for now. So I'm off to organize, and while I do I think I'll listen to my tape of Anthony Head's convention Q&A ('cause with the singing! *swoon*). Later, hopefully I'll be able to get focused enough to work on some fic. Cheers!
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