The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, June 24, 2001

What's that you say? Blogs are supposed to be updated fairly regularly? How 'bout that. What a concept.

Hi. Miss me?

There are some things I want to talk about, but not all at once, because boy, would this post ever be long if I did. So I'll space it out over a few days. They are, not necessarily in this order:
  • BuffyCon!

  • My five day plan

  • More mouths to feed

  • E-bay, and...

  • Writing.

So stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 06, 2001

Oooh! Eleni redesigned again. Nice!

A short while back, I attempted to do two of the things on Pete's list -- namely, to cease talking about Buffy (or at least cut way back) and to go to more of a journal-type format. Needless to say, didn't happen. I was so certain that once I left my place of employment I would have all this time on my hands to blog guilt-free (not that there was ever much guilt over blogging on company time, but there was always the danger of getting caught), and I'd be able to cut the random fluff and make this more about yours truly. Ironically -- or should I say, naturally -- once I left my job and became relatively happy I had very little going on in my personal life that seemed worth blogging about. I lead such a dull existence now, and I'm perfectly happy about it. I get up around noon, get online for a couple of hours, take my dog and sit outside to read for a bit, come back in and write for a while, watch some TV, get back online for a while, and then write until I'm sleepy, which usually happens 'round about 4 a.m. Occasionally I'm forced to make a trip to Wal-Mart for supplies, and on some days I'll run into Sonic for a cherry-limeade. I did yesterday, took my dog and my youngest nephew along. Listened to my "Knight's Tale" soundtrack along the way, and he dug it (my nephew, not my dog), and we bonded. It was nice. On Saturday's I'll usually get with my best friend Tess and go to the mall and a movie. Sometimes on Sundays I manage to drag myself out of bed early enough to go to church. That's pretty much my whole life right there. Of course, I'm dirt poor until I either get the temp agency to return my phone calls or manage to sell some of my stories, but it's amazing how much money you don't need when your life becomes this simplistic. Anyway, if I were to constantly relay the details of my day-to-day existence, I would bore myself, let alone you people. So I blog about that which is somewhat interesting, namely, television, specifically, Buffy. In fact, since I vowed to stop talking about the Chosen One, I think my Buffy-related entries have doubled. It does disturb me that I can't seem to go a single post without working it in somewhere. Such is the way of fandom, I guess, and I've never purported to be anything less than a flaming fangirl.

As such, this weekend I'm doing the most out-and-out fangirl type thing I've done since the whole Phantom Menace line fiasco back in '99: I'm going to a BuffyCon. Woo, I say. And I might add, hoo! I'm road-tripping to Kentucky for 24 hours of fun and mild debauchery and marathon video viewing with a house full of people --not just people, mind you, but MBTV regulars--who are at least as insane about this little show as I am, if not moreso. I'm excited yet nervous as hell at the prospect of having to go be social for that long with people who previously existed only as words on a screen. But mostly just excited. It'll be fun.

Oh. On a non-BtVS note, have I mentioned that my older sister has been sucked in by the Mary Kay cult? Well, she has. She has to host a makeover party as part of her initiation rites. My mother the enabler is letting her host it here. That'll be happening tomorrow. So that'll give me something to blog about that doesn't take place on some type of screen.

I don't often play "Fun with Referral Logs" because usually mine just aren't that interesting, with my search referrals consisting mostly of queries for Buffy spoilers, naked pictures of Dragonball Z characters (something which this site has never contained, by the way, so I'm still not sure what that's all about), Heather Havrilesky, and Terri Hatcher & Howie Long (probably due to some random bitching I did about Radio Shack commercials). Occasionally I'll get one that makes me go, "What the...?!" Today, for some odd reason, I had several:

Tuesday, June 05, 2001

Egads! Me thinks perhaps it wasn't such a bright idea to post my fanfic under my most commonly used username. Somebody got to Dancing Lessons by running a Google search on cousinjean. I followed the link from my referral logs only to be met with practically everything I've done on the Internet over the past year or so. The paranoiac in me is deeply disturbed by this. Whatever illusions of anonymity I still clung to have just been shattered.

Monday, June 04, 2001

There really is more to my life than Buffy fandom, you know.

Case in point: I saw Moulin Rouge over the weekend. Gitchy, gitchy, ya ya ya. What a trippy movie. I liked it, but then I tend to like trippy, fantastical stuff. More telling is that my friend Tess liked it, because she's somewhat harder to please than I am. On the other hand, when it was over, as we were leaving we heard some folks complaining that it was the worst movie they'd ever seen. Also, the people sitting near me got up an left about a third of the way through it (which was a good, because they were annoying, talky people with active cell phones who kept kicking the rail on which my feet rested and just generally kept pissing me off). Actually, the first third of the movie was rather hard to get into, it was basically one long, confusing music video; but then things slowed a bit and allowed you to really get into the story, which was really very sweet. It was a little disconcerting at first watching Obi-wan Kenobi sing pop ballads, but I got used to that fairly quickly, too. It certainly didn't hurt that Ewan MacGregor is just so freaking adoreable. If I wasn't already so in love with James Marsters, he'd be my new imaginary boyfriend. But then I guess the good thing about imaginary boyfriends is that it's okay to have more than one, so...

Saw the trailer for the Planet of the Apes remake. If that movie is only one half as cool as the preview makes it out to be, then that is going to be one seriously cool movie. Granted, Marky Mark is no Chuck Heston, but still. I can't wait for it.

So, didja watch the Tony Awards? It was a much better show than last year's hostless suck-fest. They showed a lot more of "The Full Monty" than I expected CBS to allow. If I had the money to do that sort of thing, I'd hop on a plane to New York and fly up just to see the new Rocky Horror Show before the current cast (including Joan Jett and Daphne Ruben-Vega as Columbia and Magenta, respectively) disbands. Other than that, nothing really stood out as anything I'm dying to see. Jane Eyre looked like it could be cool, though.

Friday night I was getting ready to make a trip in to Best Buy to buy some ink for my printer (what an exciting life I lead, eh?) when Terrence called all excited to tell me that new episodes of The Lone Gunmen and Freaky Links were coming on. Fortunately for my urgent need of printer ink, the FOX station I watch on Dish Network was showing baseball and wouldn't air them until much later that night, so I got to go and get back in time to watch them. Apparantly FOX is airing the remaining episodes of both series before each disappears into cancellation hell. Which is a shame (that they're cancelled, not that they're being shown). Okay, so neither show is exactly Emmy material, but they're both entertaining enough to have deserved more of a shot than FOX gave them. It occurs to me that the latter would have been a good candidate for UPN. It certainly has enough Buffy connections. Not only does it have Jason/Dante (though, admittedly, when I saw him on Buffy I recognized him more as Francis's friend from Malcom In the Middle than as Jason from Freakylinks), but this week's villain was none other than Xander's only male friend (who wasn't around because of his many female friends, that is) and would-have-been Scooby, Jesse. And I got to watch him die. Again. Hi Jesse! Bye, Jesse. Nice to see you again. Plus, it stars Ethan Embry, who was in Can't Hardly Wait with not just Jesse, but also Oz and Tara and Graham and at least three other people I can think of with indirect Buffy connections. I'd tell you who and how, but this post isn't about Buffy. Because, you know, there's more to me than that.

Shut up.

Friday, June 01, 2001

There's just something slightly wrong about a man being this pretty. And yet at the same time, it's so, so right.