I don't often play "Fun with Referral Logs" because usually mine just aren't that interesting, with my search referrals consisting mostly of queries for Buffy spoilers, naked pictures of Dragonball Z characters (something which this site has never contained, by the way, so I'm still not sure what that's all about), Heather Havrilesky, and Terri Hatcher & Howie Long (probably due to some random bitching I did about Radio Shack commercials). Occasionally I'll get one that makes me go, "What the...?!" Today, for some odd reason, I had several:
- blair witch spoilers - The entire plot of this movie was revealed in the trailer. What's there to spoil? They go camping, they get lost, the Blair Witch (or possibly Rustin Parr) makes Mike stand in the corner while Heather screams, and they never get found. The end.
- Poems about telling your mate it's over - Roses are red / violets are blue / you hogged the bed / so I'm dumping you? Seriously, how thoughtful of them to consider doing it with poetry. Way to soften the blow.
- Underdeveloped women pics - Dude. I don't even want to know.
- Alexis Denisof nude - You know, this also showed up right after the first time Blood Money aired. I guess Wesley's little strip tease for the camera really did it for some folks. But not for me. Moving along...
- Pantyhose hanging from the shower pics - Again. I don't. Even. Want to know.
- Fingernails fetish - Donnie Pfaster, ladies and gentlemen. No doubt he was greeted with my tale of the foot stalker.
- Goku Bong - Wow! Those folks at Funimation are merchandising geniuses!
- Michelle Trachtenberg growth spurt - This makes me more afraid for that little girl than I ever was when she was in Glory's clutches.
- David Boreanaz's religion - I saved this one for last because I was sure I'd think of a joke by the time I got to it, but I got nothin'. Insert your own joke here.
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