The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Joss Whedon is a total rat bastard.

Spoilers ahoy...









He's also a liar. He said it would be a happy ending. Is that really your idea of a happy ending, Joss, you twisted fuck?

So. I forced myself to sit through Angel, even though I wasn't really in the mood for it any more. By the end, I had myself pretty cheered up. Not because it was a riotously funny episode, because it wasn't (although it wasn't bad, and maybe once I watch it again when I hadn't just spent five minutes bawling my eyes out I'll enjoy it more), but because I came up with this theory. She didn't actually die, you see, she was just unconcious, and that headstone shot was a dream. Because a Slayer ought to be able to handle a fall like that, right? Spike could, and she's stronger than he is. So in the UPN series premiere, we'll see, she was fine. It was just a big fake out.

And then Angel and the troops had to come home to find Willow sitting there with her sad face, and I started up all over again.


So. Anyway. Hi. Buffy's dead. Have a nice summer.


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