The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

I've actually been somewhat productive today. I called my old temp angency to see about getting back on their payroll (got voicemail, though, and they've yet to return my call), and I applied for some cheap and very basic health insurance, which is better than no health insurance at all. Of course, once I've worked for CDI for 6 months, I'll be eligible for their benefits, then I can get myself some half-way decent coverage once again. This probably means that once my current Ritalin supply runs out, I'll have to go unmedicated for the next six months because I have no prescription coverage, and that's some expensive stuff. That's a rather scary thought, considering that last time I tried to go a prolonged period of time sans Ritalin, I got myself in such a deep financial hole that I ended up losing my apartment and had to move back into my mom's house. But considering I have yet to move back out of her house and, even unemployed, I'm in the best financial standing I've been in ever in my entire life, I'm not too worried. What with paying my bills and doing my banking online and all, I've got a pretty ADD-friendly set-up, so I think I can deal.

But enough about me. Let's get to the important stuff, that being last night's Buffy, which I've had a chance to mull over. Requisite spoiler space ahead...









First of all, James Marsters: Sure, he's unbelievably pretty, especially now that they've given him good hair. Sure, he's incredibly snarky and cool and charismatic. But the important thing is that, boy, can he ever act! I don't understand why he doesn't have an emmy, or any other of the awards. I don't understand why he never even gets nominated. I defy you to tell me that he is not one of the most capable actors in all of series television. So then why, WHY doesn't he get the recognition that he deserves?

Anyway. Spike made me cry. Buffy and Dawn had me sniffling a little, but the waterworks didn't turn on until Spike broke down. JM managed to convey pure, unadulterated grief, and to cry in a perfectly manly way that didn't make me cringe. Poor, poor Spike. I've never wanted so badly to hug a TV character. And I can't help but be touched by the irony that the one character who spent so long plotting and hoping for Buffy's death turned out to be the one who was the most devastated when it finally happened. And the re-invite. How beautiful was that? The look of pure joy on his face, even though he didn't make a big deal out of it. "Poof, no more barrier." Aww! I love Spike.

But anyway, of course Buffy's not really dead. Or if she is, she'll be brought back somehow. SMG signed a 2 year contract, so Buffy's not down for the count. So, let the speculation begin:

I'm still fairly convinced that she's not dead, that when the new season starts up we'll see that she did survive, she just dreamed the bit about the headstone. Maybe they'll start out the first hour with a flashback sequence of Buffy's life flashing before her eyes, which will serve the purpose of bringing new viewers up to speed, and then they'll reveal that she actually survived the fall.

But if not, then I have absolutely no idea how they'll resurrect her without making it all cheesy, but I've learned to have faith in Joss & Co. when it comes to this sort of thing. One theory I've read is that they're going to do some sort of Dark Pheonix homage, and what with Doc and his Mr. Sinister-esque fascination with Dawn's DNA and the big deal made about Dawn and Buffy being made up of the same stuff. Not too far fetched, since we don't know that Doc didn't survive his fall, and we still have absolutely no clue as to what his motivations were in all of this. I wouldn't be surprised if we haven't seen the last of Doc. I hope not, at least, because he's the creepiest villain since the Gentlemen, and Joel Grey just rocks.

Another one making the rounds is that they'll do an Orpheus & Euridyce sort of story, with Spike (or possibly Angel, but most likely (and hopefully) Spike, since cross-overs between the two networks are doubtful) bargaining with the PTB to restore Buffy's life. That could be cool. And Jane Espenson was quoted as saying that they've got some really cool things planned for Spike next season.

At any rate, we can rest assured that they "killed off" the one character who is guaranteed not to stay dead. So, worries about the future of Buffy aside, I thought it was a great episode. It started out with the best teaser ever, it had an emotionally touching ending, and it had lots of good moments in between, especially for Spike, which for me is the most important thing. I loved Xander's proposal to Anya, I loved Willow kicking some ass with her witch fu, I was totally and embarassingly surprised by the BuffyBot, I sat with my eyes bugged out and my hand over my mouth while Giles killed Ben, and the Giles & Spike Shakespeare quotage warmed my heart. So there you have it.

By the by, to help get us all through re-run season, we're going to do a sequel to Dancing Lessons, beginning the week immediately following the end of the current arc. For you non-shippers out there, it will focus somewhat less on the 'shippiness and more on the action and familial relationships between the characters. If you want a sneak preview, check out the new splash page. That pretty much says it all.


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