Things are going well. And that makes for boring blog fodder. So here be a random list o' thirteen:
- I wore my red Chinatown mary janes today. These shoes make me happy.
- also wore my Chinatown dragon earrings. They make me feel a wee sexy.
- Got complimented on my hair, which I thought looked like ass today, and I'm pretty sure it was a sincere compliment, and that adds to the sexy feeling.
- I'm hungry. But I'll get to remedy that in another hour or so. Not sure yet where or with what.
- My nephew's band has a new web site, and it's much nicer than the crappy one I made for them back when. And now I can stalk them and find out when and where they're playing and actually go to some of the shows that Stacie always neglects to tell me about.
- Aww, Hanson is nominated for Artist of the Year at a local music awards show. I don't know why I felt the need to mention that. Especially since my nephew's band got snubbed. Bastards. The awards, that is, not Hanson. Although I think those Hanson boys have gotten snubby before, too.
- I might get a call from a cute boy tonight. Assuming I didn't piss him off in the last e-mail I sent him. But I'm all giddy with anticipation.
- Sidebar: must tape Joan of Arcadia so I don't miss any of it while I'm on the phone.
- I'm finally starting to beleive the rumors that I'm not an ugly duckling anymore.
- Tomorrow Tess and I (and my mom and her sister) are going to see the touring production of Chicago. Last time it was here it had Sandy Duncan headlining as Roxy. I have no idea who the female leads are this time. But Gregory Harrison is, er, whassisname, the lawyer guy. Should be fun.
- After that and dinner I think Tess and I are going to part ways with my mum and auntie and go see Team America. Whoo!
- I'm actually pretty disappointed with this season's Broadway tour lineup. The only show coming here that I haven't seen before that I can bring myself to care about is 42nd Street. I'll see them all, though, because woo, season tickets, which I have to keep getting because the year I decide to let them go will be the year that they'll announce that something completely fabulous that I've been dying to see is on the way and I'll have given up my guaranteed good seats. But that's okay, because even when the shows suck it's always a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
- I'm answering the phones some here at work, but I still don't have the switchboard down enough to be entrusted with it sans supervision. I'll be glad when the day comes when I've sufficiently got the hang of it and I don't have to ask questions every five minutes and I can actually feel useful around here.
testing new notification addie
Hooray to things going well, feeling sexy and possible phone call from cutie-boy!
I've often found that when you're happy with yourself that's when you start attracting people. So, go sexy you, go!
I'm living vicariously through you, because I'm sitting here, phlegmy and feeling utterly unsexy.
Also, your ass-hair comment made me laugh. And then I coughed. Had a laughing-coughing fit, but whatever.
Have a fabu weekend!
Kako :)
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