I really have nothing to talk about. The most exciting thing to happen in my little world over the last few days is that my dog went to the groomer. Which is always a little sad for me, because I think he's cutest when he's all shaggy.
It's a fall day today, so that's nice. The temp's not supposed to break out of the 70s. Still a little warm for my tastes for this time of year, but it should be cool enough for me to wear a sweater tonight, so yay. If Tess is game, I'm going to drag her to see Red Dragon tonight. My expectations are actually pretty low. I've got the original Manhunter version on DVD, which is a pretty fantastic film, and I've read the book, and I've a feeling this new version won't live up to either, Anthony Hopkins or no. But Ralph Feinnes gets naked. I am SO there. Plus, Ed Norton. He's cool.
I watched Firefly last night, natch. Loved it. I'm not obsessed with it yet, but if every episode is as entertaining as last night's, I could get there. At this point, though, it's still not enough to completely relieve the bummed feeling I get over Chricton-less Friday nights. Jayne having named his big gun after a woman only intensified this feeling. All I could think was, "*Sniff* Wynona!"
I continue to be obsessed with/overwhelmed by that last Buffy ep. I've yet to get through a whole day without popping in the tape and watching all of Spike's scenes. Though I've finally gotten to the point where I can get past "Oh! Poor baby!" and really appreciate JM's performance. He's really playing at least three characters throughout -- William, various incarnations of Spike, and some confused amalgam of the two -- and where a lot of actors would have gone over the top in switching personas and making the delineations clear, with JM the switches are so subtle. Just slight changes in the accent, in the way he moves, in the vernacular of his speech ... each barely perceptible yet clearly recognizeable. Just ... damn. There are no words for how good that was.
Anyway. Angel starts up tomorrow night. I'm not all "Squeee!" like I was with Buffy, but I'm getting pretty jazzed.
I need to do stuff today, including cleaning, writing back to Chad (hiya!), and finishing up the DL CDs. So I'm gonna go do that now. Ciao!
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