The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Soooo tempted not to go to my PM class. But that would be wrong.

Today's shaping up to be a pretty good day. I feel better than I've felt in a week; my Perspectives class just hit a section on power in government and politics, and the prof used School House Rock to illustrate (and as such I've had "Just A Bill" stuck in my head all day; I ::heart:: my prof!); I got a 96 on the paper I wrote for that class a couple of weeks ago; I had a lovely drive into Tulsa and back after class to comparison-shop televisions at Target; I came back to Wal-Mart here in town, where my brother-in-law just happened to be available to fetch me the TV I wanted, so I didn't have to wait around for help (I ::heart:: my brother-in-law!); and oh, did I mention? I bought a new TV.


19" (yeah, I know, but compared to my current 13" it's a vast improvement) with a built in VCR, so I don't have to worry about hooking that up. So I can come home from gender psych and hook that puppy to the dish in time to watch and record what is already purported to be an awesome episode of Buffy. And it's Spuffy 'shippers doing said purporting. Oh yes, I am feeling the RMoS. Squee! See? There's one right there.

Though I'm not likely to be too focused on the subject matter, my gender psych prof has instituted a grading scale based on how often we show up, so I'd best get myself to class. I also have to go to the post office to mail some CDs. That's right, I'm finally mailing the CDs. That's not the end of them, I've got three more sets to put together and mail (for xtmont, kimmerwoman and a nice lady who sent me a check but didn't include an e-mail address so I can let her know I got it), but if I can assemble those tonight during Smallville (there will be no CD assemblage during Buffy, mind you), then those will go in the mail tomorrow. Then I'll be done. With all of the donations to date, at any rate.



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