I actually started out feeling pretty okay today, but now I've got one giant mother of a headache. But while I felt decent, I managed to answer about three weeks' worth of e-mail, so go me.
Yesterday I wrote the prologue to my novel. Again I say, go me. I posted it to my feedback list/cheering section, but nobody's even acknowledged that they received it yet. But Tess read it, and she liked it, and thinks I'm off to a good start, so yay.
I also bought new clothes last night, so yay, again. First time in a very, very long while that I bought clothes that had just come out and were not on clearance. That was fun.
I'm trying to justify using part of my loan money to buy a new TV/VCR combo. We only have one VCR in the house that is at all reliable when it comes to recording and not eating tapes, and my TV is so damn tiny that I have to wheel it over so it's about a foot from the couch if I want to actually see anything. Plus, my teeny TV is too old to work with my DVD player. I think that's all pretty good justification right there. Plus, Tess says that I deserve to splurge on something that big for myself on account of making and maintaining really good grades for the first time in my entire academic career. This is why Tess is my best friend, y'all. Okay, so she's something of an enabler, but still.
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