Went to see Knockaround Guys last night. It was pretty eh. Vin Diesel was, as always, a treat to gaze upon (and his acting's not bad either). Seth Green was also really good, right up until [spoiler]he died a horrible death[/spoiler], thus ruining the movie for me. Feh.
So then last night I dreamed a Buffy dream in which Oz returned. This is the second night in a row that I had a Buffy dream in which I kept switching back and forth between actually being Buffy and being myself and watching the action on my TV. My recollection of the first one is too vague to recall here, but the important thing about that one is that Spike didn't show up once. My subconscious hates me. Anyway. In last night's, there was something about them being trapped in a house with a demon, a pretty standard plot and I won't bore you with the details, except that in the dream it was my house, but not any house I've ever actually lived in. Oz and Willow kept fighting, but I don't remember what about. Something to do with her powers. The demon got slayed, everybody escaped from the house, and then Willow started to climb Oz's tree as they both tumbled back into the house to, um, make up, leaving Xander, Dawn and I (for at that moment I was Buffy) standing on the lawn going, "Well. I guess Willow's definitely Not Gay Now." Then Xander and Dawn started to walk away, and Buffy started to follow (and I was suddenly back on my living room couch watching the telly), but she fell down as she was hit by a vision of Spike. He was underground somewhere in what looked like a sewer, and terribly hurt, and sinking under the water. As he sunk he was saying something, but I couldn't understand, and I started cursing and trying to find my remote to turn on closed captions, but by the time I got them turned on I was too late, and I didn't tape it, and I knew whatever he said was extremely important. And then I became cognizant enough to be upset that that's about the only type of appearance Spike ever makes in my dreams and to berate my subconsious for never letting me have Naughty Spike dreams. I mean, what the hell is up with that?
Anyway. Then I dreamed something about being at a party, and Terrence was there, and so was our old friend Clay and several of Terrence's friends. The party wasn't really my thing, so I was pretty shy, though I tried to participate in everything as best I could, and I figured at least I had people there to talk to. Except that they all kept avoiding me and pretending they didn't know me, including Terrence. I finally confronted him to find out what the hell everybody's problem was, and he told me to quit being such a stand-offish bitch and that none of them wanted anything to do with me and my snotty attitude. I woke up terribly upset with Terrence, angry enough that I started to compose an e-mail telling him to just stay away from me from now on if that's how he really feels. Thankfully I fell back to sleep before I could get up and actually send it. Although the thought of the look on his face upon opening and reading such an e-mail is pretty funny.
Speaking of e-mail, I need to answer some today (I'm thinking about writing to Ace. Just to ask about the nature of the alleged plethora of complaints lodged against me, and why I had to hear about it second-hand. Because I'm sure she's at the very least committing gross exaggeration, and I'm torn between not wanting to let her get away with it and wanting to just let it go and get on with my life. We'll see). After that I'm all about DL. Which, I'm sad to say, isn't going to get updated any time soon.
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