The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Despite not falling asleep until well after 7AM yesterday, I still managed to get up and go shopping with li'l sis and have a lovely time. Clothes were bought, research notes were recorded, she found a pair of jeans that will expand with her that are actually long enough to cover her ankles (she's rawther tall, and it seems the maternity clothing industry assumes that only regular and petite women ever get knocked up), I found a great pair of stylish yet affordable brown boots -- triumphs all around.

I got home just in time to watch Andromeda and Angel -- both of which were pretty "eh" -- and then managed to stay awake long enough to start a thread for Angel on the boards before I crashed. So I went to bed pretty early last night. But then as I was drifting off I had a vision of that creepy little girl standing and dripping well water at the foot of my bed and woke up with a start, and had to read for a while to get my mind off of that. I read DL. I'm working my way through the first one, and it's really quite good, if I do say so myself. Though I gotta say I'm not happy with the final arch. I'd thought it was going to go in a certain direction, and I laid a lot of groundwork in my chapters for it to go in that direction, and for reasons that continue to remain a mystery to me those who wrote those final chapters completely ignored said groundwork and went in a different direction that had absolutely no setup whatsoever, and as a result I think it's pretty anti-climactic. But then the last chapter has Spuffy nookie, so everything's okay again. When I'm done with this I'm gonna read War! again. As I recall, it's even better, and there's no anti-climacticness to be found.

So anyway, I didn't end up falling asleep until after midnight, and I had to sleep with the light on again. Stupid movie. When my alarm went off at 8 this morning, I got up, hit snooze (my alarm clock is clear across the room to theoretically prevent me from hitting snooze and going back to sleep. Doesn't always work.) and went back to bed. Ten minutes later when it went off again, I re-set it for 9 and went back to bed. At 9 I got up, fed the cats, realized I was freezing, turned up the heater and got back in bed, just to be warm until the heater kicked on, and promptly fell back to sleep. I woke up again at about a quarter to noon, time for my one and only class of the day to end. But that's okay, because I'd planned to skip it anyway, and to take the day off from my internship, so I can get ready for tomorrow's midterm. Which I need to go do, now that I've got some coffee in me and finally feel awake enough to function. I probably won't be around much for the next few days because I have two pretty huge tests this week, so hopefully I'll be able to resist temptation and stay offline. Starting nowish. Or, starting after I've perused the forums and everybody else's blogs and LJs. Anyway. Bye.


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