I'm on my first day of fall break from university, which coincided with a two-day state teacher's meeting, so I don't have to go to my internship either. I have no real plans for my four-day weekend, though. So far today I've been all about catching up on sleep and being lazy. I'm supposed to go to band practice tonight, which means I'm going to have to go get dressed at some point here pretty soon.
I did do a modicum of band-related work earlier, and we might have a new gig in the works at this coffee shop that has apparently been around Tulsa for years and is widely popular but which I only just heard of, tragically unhip as I am. When I called this morning the guy who does the booking had lost the demo CD that Stacie left there for him, but he found it while we were on the phone and promised to give it a listen tonight. I'm supposed to call back tomorrow to discuss booking. It'll be an accoustic show, which will be a new experience for the boys. Of course, they're pretty much stuck doing accoustic shows until they find a new drummer. But that'll give them a chance to build a wider audience.
I've got to do some comparison shopping research on maternity clothes for my gender psych class, so I'm going to try to drag my li'l sis along. She should start showing soon, so it's not too early for her to shop for a maternity wardrobe, and that way I'll look legit and won't have to explain myself to any salespeople. That might happen tomorrow. And at some point this weekend I want to go see The Ring. The previews make no sense, but they do look sufficiently creepy, and it's the right time of year for a good scare. Though, considering how much the original Blair Witch Project affected me, I'm a little trepidatious about seeing this movie. But I think I'll be able to handle it. That'll probably happen Saturday.
The rest of the weekend will be about the following things: Survivor, Firefly, working on DL, getting part of Episode 8 posted, and studying for midterms. Mostly that last thing, because I've got two next week. Gender Psych and Perspectives on Human Behavior. I was going to have them both on Tuesday, but the Perspectives prof took mercy on us and moved his to Thursday. And really, his will be the easier of the two, so I can hold off and cram for that on on Wednesday, which is good because I'm so far behind on my reading for Gender and I'll need all weekend to catch up and get ready for it. Blah.
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