The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Erich wrote a surprisingly glowing review of Dancing Lessons. Surprising, because Erich has never really been one for fanfic. But he liked DL. Go us!

I got up an hour early this morning so I could write. Actually, I'd planned to get up early and write, but when the alarm went off and I was all toasty and snugly in my bed I decided to screw that nonsense, but a comedy of errors which I won't detail here led to my getting up anyway. But instead of writing I've been reading e-mail and catching up on the forum. Yeah, my week's off to a productive start.

I'm all happy because the weather has finally changed over to something that can be called "fall-like" without any stretch of the imagination. I had to turn the heater on for the first time this season when I got up this morning, and I might actually have to wear a jacket when I go out today. Yay for sweater weather! It's actually starting to put me in a bit of Halloween spirit. Too bad I don't actually have anything going on that night. I'd look forward to handing out treats, but last year we had a grand total of one trick-or-treater. This used to be the best neighborhood to trick-or-treat in, too. Sigh.

And now I've used up all of my extra (non-)writing time and have to go get around and go to class. At least this is only a three day week. And did I mention? Sweater weather! Yay!


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