Oh, that reminds me. A British guy off-handedly called me "Love" today, and I've been giggling like a little girl about it ever since.
The things I derive joy from are silly and sad, aren't they?
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
Oh, that reminds me. A British guy off-handedly called me "Love" today, and I've been giggling like a little girl about it ever since.
Like these questions were hard.
I actually started out feeling pretty okay today, but now I've got one giant mother of a headache. But while I felt decent, I managed to answer about three weeks' worth of e-mail, so go me.
georgevna also had a lot of smarty-pants things to say re: "Lessons."
Adjrun has finally organized her thoughts on Spike in "Lessons." Go read them, 'cause she's a smarty-pants.
Still feeling crappy. I didn't go to internship today on account of said crappy feelingness, and when I called in to say so I got the voicemail and left a message. So just as Firefly's beginning I get a message on the machine from my sister wondering where I was today. I waited until Firefly was over to call her back, because that's how I am, and discovered that she has no idea how to access her voicemail. So I'll be helping her figure that out on Monday.
I had a nice, lengthy post all written about my day, and it was well written and witty despite the fact that I feel like crap on toast. Including the parts that explained why I feel like crap on toast. But Blogger ate it.
So, so tired. Two nights in a row of not sleeping well followed by a night spent in a Nyquil-induced coma with not enough hours to sleep it all off has left me, well, tired.
BE/The Mayor: So what'd you think, you'd get your soul back and everything'd be jim-dandy? A soul's more slippery than a greased weasel, why do you think I sold mine? Well you probably thought that you'd be your own man, and I respect that.
BE/The Master: ...You'll learn that you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you. Trying to do the right thing, like her.
When nephew #2 was four years old, he had a fondness for the word woobie. He didn't have a definition for it, he just liked to say it. On New Year's Eve that year, at midnight, he ran through the house screaming it over and over at the top of his lungs. It was hilarious and cute as all hell. Every time he said it it was cute. Because he was four.
Today was rough. Most of the kids were acting up and throwing tantrums and just plain not fun. Between that and the sleep deprivation I had to come straight home and take a wee nap. Then I had to watch Buffy again. So I'm all fresh and ready to talk about it now!
I stayed up way too late chatting about BtVS. As such, I slept in and didn't go to class. Have to go to internship, though, so I'll dazzle you with my Buffy thoughts when I get back home. I'm sure the suspense is killing you.
EEEEEE! I just realized nobody's going to be home and I'll get the big TV to myself tonight. EEEEEE!
Woo-hoo! I found a new blog comment server!
My brain amuses me.
Oh. And I also finally bought some printer ink last night, so I'm going to do my damnedest today to get the remainder of the DL CDs put together and ready to mail.
Today I'm all about DL site maintenance and getting the rest of PW online. I just realized I've got the new part of Keren & Meredith's story sitting on my hard drive and I haven't even read it yet, let alone coded it. I've also got a chunk of Fiona's new fic sitting in my "To Beta" folder that I keep forgetting about. If you've ever thought about asking me to beta read a story for you, you should know that as far as reliability and timeliness goes, I'm a suck beta. With Fiona I doubly suck because she's one of my PW betas and she's extremely reliable and timely, so I get to have added guilt with that one. Anyway. I've also got some award nominations that I guess I should go get buttons for and put them on the awards page. And I've been thinking about setting up a Yahoo list for Fic Picks so whenever I update that page it can just get mailed to everybody who cares (one of those added BloggerPro services, y'know. I intend to get all of my money's worth out of this subscription). So those are my big plans for the day. Exciting, no? Yeah, I didn't really think so either.
Perfect World is finished. Perfect World is also 56,000 words long. That, folks, is a novel. A short novel, but a novel nonetheless.
PW is inching ever closer to the finish line. I've got all these snippets of dialogue and action and ideas written for the final scene, so that I don't forget to include anything. Now I just have to figure out how they all fit together and segue into one another. Which is, of course, the hard part. La.
Haven't been in much of a blogging mood, which is sad because now I've stuff to blog about. I wanted to reinstate Survivor Haiku, but nothing in the first ep. inspired me. Maybe I could get one about what a jerk that skater guy is, but it seemed a little too obvious. I watched Firefly last night. I'm in deep like already. I'm sure I'll cross over into love before too long. I just hope Fox treats Whedon better than they've treated Chris Carter and his non X-Files ventures. Knowing how they (Fox, that is) are, I'm a little wary of letting myself get too attached. But it might already be too late. I'm still adjusting to the concept that the next run of original Farscape episodes will be the last, if I have to deal with this new show not picking up an audience and getting axed too, I ... well, I'll be upset, that's what. I might even have to start going out on Friday nights. Not like there would be anything good on TV.
I Am A Straight Woman |
Well here's a rarity. You're obviously straight. You're not trying too hard to portray some femaninity, nor are you dressing like a man, lusting after women, or getting caught in compramising positions at the playboy mansion |
Take the Sexual Orientation Quiz |
Several of my friends banded together and started themselves some Live Journal accounts. So of course, I had to link them. I also added some blogs that I've been meaning to add for a long time now.
Sigh. The day that I do an assignment with plenty of time left to spare will be the day that ... something else really unusual happens.
Spending my morning at the library. All of the articles I pulled last week for my paper turned out to be useless, so the day before the paper is due, I'm switching topics and having to start the research from scratch. Fun fun fun. Except, not. The real bugger is that I haven't a clue what these papers are supposed to be about. I mean, I have my topic (which is now the Insanity Defense), but no angle. So figuring out where to start's going to be the hard part.
I just got some spam that said "HAIR GROWTH: Get your own hair back!" I misread it as "Get your own hairy back!" I sat here for a while pondering the implications before I finally figured out what it really said.
My latest web endeavor: The RJP Posting Boards. I'm trying to consolidate all of my communities in one place, and this also has fora for the band and for this blog. So if you want to comment on the inane crap I post here, you can go there to do it. Naturally, the biggest chunk of it is reserved for BtVS discussion.
For those of you waiting for more Perfect World (It's coming along. Really.), I thought I'd help you pass the time with a preview of the new fic. Actually, it's not so much a preview as it is all I've got so far. And there's a slight chance this is all there will ever be. At any rate, it's a nice break from the angst. Enjoy.
So, for reasons which I'm still unclear on, we're having to read the Tao Te Ching and the Art of War for Internship seminar. The first writing assignment was to provide our thoughts on the Tao. Here's what I wrote:
Upon reading this text, I was surprised to find how similar many of the teachings are to those found in both the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible. The Tao contains a lot of wisdom that can be applied to all aspects of my life, such as not being judgmental or closed-minded, humbling myself, loving my fellow man as I love myself, practicing humility, letting go of ambition and pride and so forth; however, these are things that I already knew from the Bible and the teachings of Christ.
Other things in this book made me wary of putting too much stock in this philosophy. While I don’t necessarily think that this text is anti-God, there are a few statements in the text that are in direct contradiction to my faith. In Chapter Four, the author writes that the Tao is “older than God.” In the Christian faith, God is eternal, with no beginning and no ending, so according to my faith this statement is simply not possible. Chapter 25 makes a similar claim that the Tao is the mother of the universe, which conflicts with my belief that the Judeo-Christian God created the universe and is the driving force behind all things.
I also disagree with the idea that if we let go of morality and goodness, the people will be happy. Let me amend that -- I do agree with that statement, because the flesh will certainly be satisfied if it is free of moral constraints and that could definitely lead to short-term happiness. I do realize that this is not the intended meaning; but I do not believe that if we let go of the concept of morality and goodness, immorality and evil will simply disappear. Just because evil is not defined does not mean that it does not exist or that people won’t still perpetrate it.
One thing that I do agree with is the concept of “not-doing.” As a writer, I know from experience the truth of this concept. Often the best thing I can do for my stories is to stop trying to write them. When I do this, the words invariably come to me; but when I try to force the story out, I usually end up with writer’s block.
Like I said, I do think that there is a lot of wisdom in this book, and in Eastern philosophy in general, that has merit and lends itself to practical application in my life; but these are truths that can also be found in the Bible. The Tao is a nice, artfully written and succinct reminder of these truths.
I'm skipping my classes today. I actually unintentionally skipped the AM class because I took a benadryl last night and I just could not wake up this morning. And when I did I was all dizzy and naseated and had to go lie back down. Ick. I need to get some sudafed. I hate benadryl. But now I'm off topic. Anyway, now that I'm up, I've decided to go ahead and miss my PM class because I've so much to do that really needs to get done today.
A year ago at about this time I received an e-mail from Aurelio Zen. She was freaking out because a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and they were getting ready to evacuate her downtown Manhattan office building. I was late for class and didn't have time to turn on the news, and it never even occurred to me that it was anything more than a tragic, freak accident. Or that it was anything bigger than a prop plane. I shot back an e-mail to say that I'd pray for her and asked her to write back when she got a chance to let me know she was okay, and then I went to class. It wasn't until I got there and my professor had suspended his regular lecture to talk us through what was happening that I figured out something big was going on, and it wasn't until I got back home and finally turned on the news, just in time to watch the second tower collapse, that the enormity of it all hit me. After sitting on my sofa in shock long enough to watch all of the replays a few more times, I went to bed, curled into a ball and cried my guts out. Then I got back up and, like the rest of America, spent the rest of the day glued to the news and freaking out about my friends in NYC whom I hadn't heard from again all day. It was evening before I finally heard from an exhausted AZ, who'd had to walk all the way home to Brooklyn. And boy, did she have stories to tell.
I'm feeling better and crappier all at the same time. Emotionally, I'm in a better place. I took some "me" time last week and it really helped a lot (subsequently, I did not get all of the DL CDs out last week like I promised I would, but they will get in the mail this week). So I'm in a better mood. But now I feel like I might be coming down with something. Hopefully it's just allergies. But now my throat's all scratchy and I'm coughing, so that's not good. And I'm feeling even more drained than usual.
I'm hella depressed. Not clinically, or anything, and there's not one big thing I can pinpoint that's making me bummed. Just a lot of little things that, added up, are bringin' me down, man. I thought it was just PMS, but I got over that, and I'm still blue. I've been trying to fight it, but I think what I really need is to take a day off and give in and just wallow in it. Throw myself a big ol' pity party for one, cry it all out, and get it over with. But I don't have time for that, because I've got too much crap to do, which is one of the things that are making me depressed. Bleah.