Several of my friends banded together and started themselves some Live Journal accounts. So of course, I had to link them. I also added some blogs that I've been meaning to add for a long time now.
I woke up feeling crappy this morning. We had a storm last night -- a very loud, scary storm -- that kept me up. And it also kicked up a lot of whatever it is that I'm allergic to. Wuss that I am, after my alarm went off this morning and I got up to shut it off (I have to put it clear across the room to keep myself from hitting the snooze button in my sleep), I went back to bed instead of going to class.
But I did get around and go to my PM class, where I turned in the surveys that y'all were so kind to help me with. I also found out that my university has to make half a million dollars' worth of budget cuts and tuition will go up a whole lot next year. Which won't affect me if I graduate in May, but if they don't offer all the rest of the classes I need next semester, that won't happen. Bleah.
I was originally going to use this post to pontificate on why I don't like LiveJournal, but then I decided I really don't care. And with all of my friends having just signed up for it I was bound to piss somebody off. So nevermind. Although I am concerned by the fact that there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to keep up with everybody's journal entries and somebody's bound to get their feelings hurt when I don't show up to comment on their brilliance. As if they ever comment on my blog. Well, okay, a couple of them do. But most of them I don't think even read it regularly, so I'm not gonna feel too bad about neglecting their LJs.
New Survivor tonight! Whee! After that, I'm gonna try to stay up and finish PW. Since I slept in today that just might actually be doable.
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