The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

I'm skipping my classes today. I actually unintentionally skipped the AM class because I took a benadryl last night and I just could not wake up this morning. And when I did I was all dizzy and naseated and had to go lie back down. Ick. I need to get some sudafed. I hate benadryl. But now I'm off topic. Anyway, now that I'm up, I've decided to go ahead and miss my PM class because I've so much to do that really needs to get done today.

I shoulda-coulda-woulda done a lot of it yesterday, but I decided that the best tribute I could make was to enjoy life and the freedom I'm priveledged to have. No, that's not a lame excuse to laze around and do nothing all day. I did go to class yesterday, actually. Then I came home and started to watch some of the news coverage, but Peter Jennings was talking to this woman who's husband called her from one of the planes and left a message on her answering machine telling her how much he loved her, and I'm getting all choked up just typing this so you can imagine what a mess I was listening to her tell the story. After I cried a while I decided that really wasn't how I wanted to spend the whole day. So I perched in my window seat (with my lovely new seat cushions!) and read Neverwhere. Not the whole thing, but a significant portion of it. Man, I love that book. It's been long enough since the first time that I forgot a lot of stuff. I actually remember a lot of minor things, but big, important plot stuff, I forgot. So I'm enjoying that. Anyway. Read till my butt started to hurt (the cushions aren't that thick), then I tried to write. And stared at the screen. And stared. And stared some more. So then I went for a drive, hoping to shake something loose in my blocked brain, and ended up at a St. Louis Bread Co. where I drank too much coffee and wrote two pages longhand. Then I came home and typed those up and added to it. And I started a new fic (Shut. Up.), a short, one-shot Spuffy fic that will be romantic and schmoopy and funny and extremely low on angst. Because I just really need that after the big, dark, creepy, depressing, angsty ball of angst that is Perfect World.

So that was yesterday. Today, I need to catch up on all the stuff in my To Beta folder, answer quite a lot of e-mail, make some changes to the band's web site (we lost our drummer. We need a new one. Details forthcoming), find out about sending them to SxSW, find out if the recording studio that did their demo CD is back open for business, put together and mail the rest of the DL CDs that I still owe people, pad my bibliography for the paper I have to write this weekend, and study for a test. And hopefully get some more PW written.

Ooh! I just got an e-mail from my sister saying her principal finally gave permission for me to intern in her classroom, so I'll start that on Monday. That'll be fun. Mostly. And I can stop stressing over that now, so yay.

All righty then. Imonna go get to work.


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