The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

So Pete posted a while ago over in the TWoP Buffy Fic forum and called my attention to a very depressing fact: Since I started writing fanfic a year ago? I've written two good-sized novel's worth of BtVS fic. TWO NOVELS! Do you know how long it took me to write my first (never to be published) novel? Two years, working on nothing else. Do you know how much I've written on my new novel, which was to be my sole summer project? One paragraph.

The good news? I'm now apparently able to write fast enough to produce two novels a year while still writing well. The bad news? There is something so completely wrong with me for having put so much of that energy into frigging fan fiction!

Eh. I can't deny that it really was good practice, and my writing has improved a lot over the last year. But I swear, on all that is holy, Perfect World is going to be my last fanfic (save for the chapters of DL that I'm still committed to write), until I've written at least a good chunk of Modern Brides. I know now that I should never say I'm giving up fanfic for good, because all that ever does is make me start having more fic ideas, and I don't want to jinx myself. But I have got to get my priorities straight, y'all. Nobody ever made a career out of writing fanfic. Except Mere Smith.


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