The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

I'm going to be an auntie again. Little Sis is pregnant. Here's wishing her and her husband both good luck in giving up their vices. Especially the smoking.

I hope, hope, hope they have a girl. Nephews are all kinds of fun, but I've already got three of those. Since my older sibs are done having kids, I'm counting on her to give me a niece. And between our older sibs' kids and her brother-in-law's kids, she's got five nephews and not a niece in the bunch, so I'm sure she understands.

Bad timing for me (because it's all about me, you know), because the baby will be born just a couple of months before I go away to grad school. Assuming I go to grad school, as I've still got to apply to some, and I still have to take that stupid GRAT exam, which terrifies me, and there's that whole "I really don't want to go to grad school" thing to consider. But if I do, having a new baby in the family will make it doubly hard to move away.

Though I'm actually considering taking a year off before starting on my MS anyway. I'd have to get an actual (*gasp!*) job so I can make loan payments during that time, but a nice, long break from studying would do me good (especially if I spend it writing. And if I happen to finish Modern Brides and find a publisher for it and make a decent amount of money, well, then the whole "To advance my degree or not" question will be settled). Also, my current total loan amount is small enough that if I crack down, I could get it all paid off in a year. Anyway. That's a decision I need to hurry up and make, because it's getting to be crunch time with the application deadlines and such, and I haven't even begun to prepare for those exams.

Le sigh. I should be able to charge my books now (they said to wait two days after turning in the award letter), so maybe I'll go do that this afternoon. Before I do anything else, though, hopefully I can finish PW6 and get it all sent out to my betas. I'm hoping to post that by Friday. Don't want to go more than a week without updating. I think finishing the whole story before school starts is out of the question, though. Here's hoping I can get it done before I have to turn my focus to academic writing.


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