The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

Haven't been in much of a blogging mood, which is sad because now I've stuff to blog about. I wanted to reinstate Survivor Haiku, but nothing in the first ep. inspired me. Maybe I could get one about what a jerk that skater guy is, but it seemed a little too obvious. I watched Firefly last night. I'm in deep like already. I'm sure I'll cross over into love before too long. I just hope Fox treats Whedon better than they've treated Chris Carter and his non X-Files ventures. Knowing how they (Fox, that is) are, I'm a little wary of letting myself get too attached. But it might already be too late. I'm still adjusting to the concept that the next run of original Farscape episodes will be the last, if I have to deal with this new show not picking up an audience and getting axed too, I ... well, I'll be upset, that's what. I might even have to start going out on Friday nights. Not like there would be anything good on TV.

Anyway. I'm trying to keep my EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!-ness over new Buffy to a minimum, but it's hard, especially what with James Marsters hosting and doing a special on E! and just being all over the place this week. Speaking of which, I'm going to have to get dressed and drag myself to Wal-Mart to buy video tapes at some point today. I won't be watching Sunday's E! special (the Emmy special, that is; James will be giving Wanda a tour of the Buffy set. Check your local listings.), because I fear spoilers. So I'll have to tape it and watch it ... um, well, after November sweeps wrap up should be pretty safe. Of course, if it's not at all spoilery, hopefully somebody will be kind enough to tell me that it's safe to go ahead and watch it.

In other news: This week was my first week at my internship site (my sisters elementary ED class, for those of you just tuning in). Highlights include watching my sister restrain a not-so-little boy after he threw a chair during a temper tantrum. That chick knows some moves. It was pretty cool. I don't know how long she held him on the floor while he screamed his head off, but there was no way that kid was getting up until he calmed down. I know because when she learned those holds she came over and tried one of them on me. Which was especially annoying because she didn't warn me first, she just took me down. And I absolutely could not get back up until she let me up. Which was irksome, but still. I want to learn how to do that.

I'm going to finish Perfect World today if that's the only thing I do. Erm, that is, the only thing I do besides writing this entry and going to Wal-Mart. At any rate, the rest of the story will get posted tomorrow night, so if you're following it you might want to watch for that. Aurelio Zen pulled out of the DL lineup, so I'm going to be writing one of her upcoming episodes. I'm not sure I actually have time for that, and I probably should have delegated it, but it's one of those things where I know and see so clearly what needs to happen that I can either bug the hell out of another author with myriad suggestions, or I can just do it myself. So I'm going to. Do it myself, that is.

I also have a lot of school-related stuff to do this weekend, such as a test to study for, but I'm putting that out of my mind until my story's finished. I'm not sure how, but I'll manage to squeeze it all in. Alas, something has to give, and as such I've been neglecting the band. After my test on Tuesday I'm going to have to scramble to catch up on that front. I don't even know how the drummer search is coming. And I still have to mail off a press kit and all of the application signatures to SxSW. Which I really hope I'll get to go to. I don't know yet when my spring break will be. I'm gonna be sad if these events don't line up and I have to stay home for midterms or something.


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