Sorry. Just had to get that out of the way first.
Warning the first: I'm sleep deprived, random, and prone to rambling today.
Warning the second: Anybody who tries to contact me during primetime television hours tonight will be met with silence. Unless you do it in person, in which case there could be yelling. The Tuesday night television viewing rituals begin anew tonight, and they are taken very seriously here at the House o' Jean. I cannot be held responsible for the rude things that might come out of my mouth nor the decibel level thereof if you interrupt new Buffy.
I was up till three this morning studying for my first Perspectives exam. I think I did okay on it, despite being verra verra sleepy, and also despite the fact that every time I marked B on the multiple choice section my brain would start up a rousing chorus of (to the tune of "C is for Cookie"), "B is for Buffy! It's to-night on TV!" Let's just all be relieved that I didn't actually do this out loud and move on, shall we? There were only three multiple choice questions I had to guess at, and I managed to remember enough to earn at least partial credit on each of the essay questions, so I should be looking at a B (which stands for what?), at least. Not bad for the first exam, I don't think.
I went over to the library after the test and jotted off the short essay on how the Tao does or does not apply to my internship site that was due at 12:30. After I woke up and realized I'd been drooling on the keyboard I decided to just drop the essay off at the prof's office and come home. Lesson learned, again: I am too old for all night cramming sessions. Anyway. I got home and tried to take a real nap, but after lying there for twenty minutes thinking "BuffyBuffyBuffyGetOFFmefreakingcatDAMNitBuffyBuffyBuffyHey, I could go read some fanfic!" I gave up and got up. So now I'm just chillin' and killin' time until the premiere. And doing it very sleepily.
I might have to put down the fic and go watch James on E! again. And again. And again. And ag-- you get it. You know what I think really appeals to me whenever I see him in interviews and such (and we're talking James as opposed to Spike, so this is besides the sheer hotness factor)? He always conveys a keen intelligence combined with a sense of fun and playfullness that is just too damned sexy for his shirt. Especially that shirt. Excuse me whilst I spend a moment in my happy place.
And I'm back. And I'm cold. The weather's doing that funky transitional thing where it's really not yet cool enough to turn off the AC yet it's not really that hot outside, and as such it's hard to find a happy medium inside. Just one degree in the wrong direction and I'll either freeze my rear off or bake. The pets seem to appreciate having it just this side of the freezing line, so I guess I'll just go put on a sweater.
I hope people use my boards tonight to discuss the show. I'll be irate if I have to go hunting for Buffy chatter. Especially if it lands me at That "We're bringing the bitter and you can like it or leave it!" Other Place. Heh, see what I did there, with the acronym, and ... yeah.
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