I always have profound spiritual moments -- when I have them, that is, which isn't as often as that first part of the sentence would make it sound -- in the most mundane places while doing the least profound things. Which I suppose is the way it is for most folks, because God's funny that way. He likes to get us where we live.
I had a long day. Not a bad day, just long. I stayed up much later than I should have last night, and spent the day feeling very tired. I was unprepared for some of my classes, because, like I said, I let a lot of stuff slide over the weekend, including some reading for Research Methods, and a worksheet for Abnormal Psych. Turned out not to be that big a deal, but right before each class I got to experience the Big Panic as I remembered that I was supposed to do something for that class and totally forgot, which is never fun. Also ran late this morning, so only had time for one cup of coffee, didn't have time to go for the Student Union's bad coffee because I was too busy experiencing Big Panic between classes, and every single soda machine in the building was out of order.
Sleep deprivation I can handle. Caffiene deprivation, on the other hand, is never good, even under the best, most well rested circumstances. I couldn't even buy a bottled water to wash down my Slim-Fast bar, and so I had to starve, too. Yeah, I know. Wah. Shut up. I was hungry.
I felt some relief when I finally quit dickering and made the decision to drop out of the internship program. It's just too soon, I don't know yet what I want to get out of it, and it's one too many things to take on right now. I should have dropped it last week so I'd have gotten a full refund, but when it occurred to me that I could just drop it I went and talked myself out of it. Then I ended up stressing about it all weekend. I finally decided last night to just drop it, and then I slept ever so much better, even though I waited too late for a complete refund.
So while I was looking for a working soda machine I picked up an add/drop form (the Social Science department is, conveniently enough, one floor above admissions & enrollment. My Ab. Psych. professor is, conveniently enough, also my student advisor, whose signature I needed on the form to drop the program. I had the form all filled out and ready for him to sign at the end of class, and then he said something about a quiz on Thursday, and I scrambled to write that down in as many places as I could so that I can't possibly forget about it, and then I put my things away and strolled merrily out of the classroom and down the stairs. I was almost outside before I remembered the form he needed to sign, but when I got back upstairs he was no longer in the classroom, and he wasn't in his office, either. So actually dropping out of the program is going to have to wait until Thursday.
So since I'm going to drop it anyway, I didn't go to my internship class, which would have been next. Instead I went home and ate lunch and drank a nice, cold, caffienated beverage, and walked Fizzgigg. I probably should have then taken a nap, but instead I read e-mail. Then I went back for Research Methods, for which, as I said, I'd completely forgotten to do the reading, but that worked out okay. It being our first real class discussion, the professor was pretty cool about not calling on anybody.
After class was, of course, my bi-weekly visit to the chiropractor (these sessions should be winding down soon), which was very busy, and it took me over half an hour to get out of there, whereas I'm usually only there for about ten minutes. I was so tired that I dozed off on the traction table. That was a little embarrassing, but it was a much needed nap.
So on the way home I was actually feeling much better. A little frazzled, and still a little sleep deprived, but otherwise okay. I took the country roads out of town as far as I could, until I was forced to get back on the highway to cross the lake. It was a pretty day. I switched the radio from the local alternative rock station to the local Christian alternative rock station (I tend to go back and forth a lot between the two), and heard these lyrics: She's an angel and she's got a / song for singing and she's got her / dancing shoes on and she's more than a [something] or a star on the walk of fame
The lyrics paused for a few beats, and I thought to myself, "that's pretty," and then they continued...
She's the reason Jesus came
And just like that I broke down crying like a baby. A very relieved baby who'd been very frightened and was just reminded that her Daddy's taking care of her and everything is going to be all right. And suddenly all of the fear that's been building up since I sat down in my first class melted away, and I knew: I'm going to be able to do this, because I'm not doing it all by myself.