The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, August 09, 2001

I just started Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered, a blog/journal type thing all about my ADD. So check that out.

I was playing with my mom's puppy this morning -- well, not playing with her so much as holding her and trying to calm her down -- when she jumped out of my arms. Seeing as how we were standing over the very hard kitchen floor and how it was such a long way down for the little bit, I dove to catch her. Can I just say, ow?

Seriously. I think I hurt my back all over again. Just when it was starting to really feel better, too. It hurt so bad afterwards that I was dizzy and nauseated, and came very close to passing out. Thankfully my mommy was there to catch me and drag me to where I could lie down without hurting myself yet again. This was what I was doing when I was supposed to be getting ready to go see the chiropractor. Which I did. Yep, he said, I hurt myself again. Though he said it was all muscular damage this time, and not spinal, so I guess that's good. It still hurt like a bitch.

I was supposed to meet with a lady at the university this afternoon about placing me with an internship. I postponed that appointment till tomorrow morning. I just couldn't bear the thought of having to go sit in one of those uncomfortable guest chairs for however long it would take to get me placed. Plus I would've felt it necessary to wear something nicer than jeans and a tee-shirt and to look half way decent for the appointment. Considering that I spent the time alotted for showering and putting on makeup and fixing my hair lying prone on my mother's bed, crying and trying not to vomit, I decided it might be best if I moved the appointment back.

I have to go job hunt now. I have to get two resumes sent out before the end of the week. Something tells me I'll be doing it all online this week. Thank God for the Internet.


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