The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, August 05, 2001

And I'm back.

That didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. But that's because I thought I was going to come up with a somewhat impressive (at least to me) looking design. Then I decided, to hell with it. I'm a writer, not a web designer. Let my words stand on their own. There I go putting pressure on myself to try and wow you with my writing again. Anyway, I think I like this look. It's simple, so it's got that going for it.

It's been a hell of a week, folks. My recurring back pain decided to recur a few weeks ago. Last Friday it was so bad that I couldn't walk. Hell, I couldn't even dress myself. My mom came home from town to find me in the bathroom crying because I couldn't bend over to put my pants on. So she dragged me to a chiropractor. I'd have preferred she dragged me to a doctor, because, you know, drugs, but what with me having no insurance and all, a chiropractor was more affordable, plus they'll fix me so that my recurring back pain will never recur again. At least, that's the idea.

Never been to a chiropractor before in my life. That first time ... that was quite an experience, one I'll not soon forget. I was seriously afraid the guy might break something; but he didn't, and by my third visit I was able to move about well enough that I went to the university and enrolled for fall. More on that later. So this Friday I went back, and found out that the man who had been treating me was no longer with the chain. So I had to let a new guy work on me.

Now, folks, the first guy was an old man, and not to be mean, but not a very attractive old man. This new guy was young and not unpleasant to look at. I could handle old unattractive chiropractor guy working me over, but this new guy ... well, let's just say that, while I may not be obese, I'm nowhere near in as good a shape as I would like to be, and you lay down on this little table in all kinds of awkward positions, and things spread, and it's definitely not you at your best. Plus there's the grunting and crying out in pain. Not exactly how you want to be seen in front of hot young chiropractor guy; but I sucked it up and went through with it anyway, and I'm glad I did, cause the new guy's got miracle hands! One treatment from him and I am no longer walking like I'm ninety! So that's a good.

Anyway. As I mentioned, I enrolled in all of my classes for fall. I actually still have two lower level requirements left to fill. One is Intro to Business, which I'll be taking online this fall. The other is Intro to Computers. Shyeah. I'll be testing out of that one. So I'm mostly taking upper level courses pertaining to my major. In other words, psychology classes. Well, two psych classes (Abnormal Psychology and Social Problems), a research methods course, and an internship. I have absolutely no clue what will be involved in the internship. It should be interesting. They're all on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning August 21. I'm somewhere in between psyched and terrified.

Lastly, I shall leave you with Buffy links. 'Cause there must always be Buffy links. It's the natural order of things. In case you're like me and have absolutely no reason to watch UPN until Enterprise and Buffy start up in the fall, and as such haven't seen the new promos they've been running for Buffy (starting October 2!), you may (or may not) be thrilled to know that they're working their way online. Three of them sprung up the very next day. The Xander and Anya promos are here ("You know, if her vocal chords aren't all decomposed and stuff." Bwa!), and the Spike -- yummy, yummy Spike -- promo is here. Enjoy.


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