The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

I really need to get myself a system. I have so, SO many things to keep track of now it's not even funny. The one thing I really miss about my old job is my Outlook calendar, specifically the task list, with all of its bells and whistles and reminders that made it nearly impossible for me to forget to take care of whatever was on the list. My current computer has a Works calendar, but it doesn't have a task list. The best I can do for now is my online calendar, which has a task list that I can set to e-mail me reminders, but it being online, I have to wait for a page to load for every task I want to set up, and it's a pain in the ass.

I want an electronic planner. One of those handheld thingamaboppers. I think it's finally extended beyond merely wanting one to needing one, and soon will become needing one desperately. I think I'll ask for one for Christmas. I need to start researching them to find one that does everything I need it to do that's affordable enough for my mommy to buy for me. Or to at least pay half.


Over on the MBTV Buffy Boards, I've started my third topic, The Philosophy of Fanfic, and it has yet to be shut down by the moderators, and seems to be going strong. It was inspired by the Barbelith article I linked the other day. It's turned into quite the discussion, and seems to have attracted all of the smart people, so now I'm too intimidated to go back and post in my own thread. I hate when that happens. But it's an interesting discussion, and not necessarily Buffy centered. So check that out.

In a different Buffy vein, look at what's new in the world of tiny plastic characters! Yes, finally, Xander has his own action figure, along with Cordelia and a vamped out Spike. I'm going to have to get Xander and Cordy. I think I can live without the vampy Spike, especially if his hands are as useless as the pretty Spike's hands. Again I must ask, why would you package an action figure with all kinds of cool tiny plastic weapons, and then fashion his hands so that he can't grasp a single one? Yes, I'm still bitter about that. Anyway, I strongly suggest that you don't purchase said figures from Another Universe. They screwed me over in so many different ways. Of course, they are under new management, so maybe they've improved. However, I'll be getting my figures from Powerstar. They may not have a very impressive site, but they tend to have excellent customer service. I'd have linked to their pictures in the first place, but any time you link to inside pages you get kicked back to the front page.

I'm off now to tackle my impossibly huge to do list for the day.

Oh, one more thing: Terrence pointed out the other day that my links were difficult to see. As in, he couldn't see them at all. I was going to assume he just never wears his glasses and/or contacts when looking at my site and let it go, because clearly the links were a whole shade darker than the regular text, but then I decided, better safe than sorry. So I've brightened up my links and hopefully made them easier to spot.


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