The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

I'm all better now. Whatever I had was apparently a 72 hour virus, pretty much down to the minute. Friday night around 11:00 I suddenly started to feel like hell, I ran a fever all weekend, ached in all of my joints and felt tired all over, and then last night around the same time I suddenly felt fine. Weird. And, thankfully, just in time for school.

For today, my friends, was my first day of school. Yay me. I, of course, completely overdressed for the occasion. It's not like I dressed up, but I wore a skirt and a matching top, whereas everyone else wore jeans, shorts and tank tops. But I didn't care. I'm not dressing down to fit in with the teenagers. Although today will probably be the last day I wear a skirt to class that I don't have a job interview or something afterwards. But if they thought I was overdressed today, just wait until the weather cools off and I break out the leather pants.


First up was Social Problems Seminar 1, which looks like it will be interesting, but I've already got a lot to read between now and Thursday. Same with Abnormal Psychology, which was next, and which looks to be utterly fascinating. Any class that starts out by showing you graphic, up close and personal footage of brain surgery isn't likely to be too boring, I figure. Lots of reading to do for that one already, too. Next up was my internship class, which was mainly filling out paperwork. Lastly was Research Methods, which looks to be the least interesting as far as subject matter goes, but the professor seems pretty cool, and really enthusiastic, so he should be pretty easy to pay attention to.

My online Intro to Business course started Monday. I printed everything off and exchanged e-mails with the instructor, but I haven't really done anything with it yet. I figure I'll work on that course on the weekends.

I got to the Student Union early enough for breakfast. They did not have a breakfast bar. They had some plain bagels and cream cheese, and some boxes of cereal. I had half a bagel and a coffee. The coffee wasn't too impressive. I think I'll either be taking my own or stopping at Java Dave's in the mornings from now on. At least I gave the Student Union a chance, though, right?

After my classes I went to the chiropractor, which was actually pretty nice after sitting in classrooms all day. I think I've got three visits left before he's supposed to x-ray me again. The pain isn't completely gone yet, but these days it's barely noticeable, and is actually non-existent as long as I don't move a certain way. Compared to how I felt two weeks ago, that's cause for rejoicing right there.

And now I'm off to get some of that reading done before Witchblade comes on. I'm lying, I'm going to sit here and catch up on my blog reading, and then I'm going to get pages ready to upload to Dancing Lessons. But I already started on the reading while I was at the chiropractor, so see? I'm not procrastinating. Much.


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