The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, August 11, 2001

Looks like I'm going to a Mini-DL-Con in mid-September. Edith's having all of the collaborators for Episode 15 to her house in Nashville for a weekend of video watching and brainstorming and frantic writing. I'm not doing any writing on this one, so I guess I'll be there to do instant beta-readings and play continuity police and just be happy I get to play with the cool kids. And make coffee runs. Or liquor runs. Whichever. I'm just happy to be invited.

I'm trying to decide whether I want to drive or fly to Nashville. I'd immediately assumed I'd just drive. 10 hours sounds like an insane amount of time to spend behind the wheel, but really, after about the fifth hour I go to this zen-like place and start to really enjoy myself. Plus I assumed it would be cheaper; but out of curiosity I did a search on Cheap Tickets and found a pretty decent itinerary on Continental (one that uses big planes on every leg and none of those little prop planes -- don't know why, but those scare me) for $115, including tax and fees. That's actually less than I'd spend on gas if I drove. Of course, if I drove, I'd just put everything on my gas cards and wouldn't have to worry about paying for the trip up front. So now I'm all conflicted. I'll have to wait until I get some money coming in and can make some credit card payments before I'll even be able to purchase plane tickets, so I guess I'll wait until then to decide. Right now I don't really care how I'll get there, I'm just happy I'll get to go. Mini-con! Whee!


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