I'm sitting here drinking my coffee (I found a bag of Starbuck's house blend that I was given Secretary's Day before last that still had about half a pot's worth of grounds in the back of the refrigerator; there's also a half a bag of some gourmet blend of a brand I've never heard of that came from I have no idea where, but hey, coffee's coffee. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, you know?) and ignoring my to do list for the day (go away, To Do List! I can't heeear you! La la la! It's Sunday, you can't tell me what to do!), and trying to remember who updates their blogs on the weekends. Because it's mildly frustrating to wait for a page to load only to find that it's a weekday blog. Damn me and my primitive, backwoods, 56K modem!
I did not go to church today. I haven't been to church since Mother's Day. Before that the last time I went was Easter. Before that the last time I went was ... um ... well, probably Christmas. I've become someone who only goes to church on major holidays. I wasn't going when I was working because that was just one too many days a week (actually, it would have made for 6 days too many) that I had to get out of bed on too little sleep and get dressed up and go be social. I didn't go over the summer because I got my sleep schedule all turned around and started keeping vampire's hours and there was just no way. I tried. I really did. Slept right through my alarm clock every time.
Today I woke up of my own accord at 8 AM, which for me is just freaky. I'd actually gone to bed at a decent time last night, and I was plenty rested. My back's still sore, but it's not incapacitating today. In short, there was absolutely no excuse for me not to get up and go to church; but I didn't. I just couldn't get motivated to get up and go.
This has got to change. I need to be in church. Every aspect of my life just seems so much easier to deal with when I go to church regularly. It's a weekly spiritual rejuvination that I haven't been getting lately, and my psyche is beginning to suffer for it. So I'm taking a stand, and setting a goal: Next week, I'll start going to church again.
Somebody please remember this entry and call me on it if you catch me sitting here drinking coffee and blogging come next Sunday morning.
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