Alas, I shall leave you now with the final installment of Jean's Halloween Related Link O' The Day: Ghost Research Society
Have a safe and happy Great Pumpkin Day.
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
Alas, I shall leave you now with the final installment of Jean's Halloween Related Link O' The Day: Ghost Research Society
Evolution of a DBZ otaku:
These are going on my daily list. I'm just listing them here for my own reference. spitfire! and toshikazu211. The first one I've been meaning to add for a really long time now and keep forgetting. The second one I just found today but he cracked me up, so I'll be going back to that one. Plus he's a Christian. It's always nice to find a fellow cool Christian amongst all you heathen bloggers. Yeah, that's right, I said heathen. Deal.
I've finally decided. I'm going to write in Erich for president. Why? Because he sent me a present, which is more than any of the other bastiches in the running ever did for me. Never underestimate the power of a good bribe.
"Freakylinks" being pulled from schedule -- well, that just figures. I wish Farscape would hurry and come back on.
I updated my about me page and added links to a couple of fairly recent pictures of myself that I don't absolutely hate.
Today's (sorta) Halloween Related Link O' the Day (because it's freaky): Sci Fi Happens
I don't watch the show, but I took the Sex and the City Personality Test anyway. I most resemble Miranda. Interesting that I came out to match the redhead. More interesting is that that paragraph is actually kind of accurate, except for the part about corporate ambition. More interesting still is that she's wearing my current outfit (except that her version probably cost a lot more than mine did). Scary.
*Squealing with delight*
Stop me if this gets too confusing. He plays Vlad the Impaler in this week's "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula" on USA (Halloween night). He also played Dracula in "Buffy vs. Dracula." I hope he does a more convincing job in this movie than he did on Buffy. Anyway, he also played Anton, the guy whom Sarah Michelle Gellar's character ran off with at the end of her tenure on "All My Children." Just something to keep in mind if you're ever playing a BtVS version of the Kevin Bacon game.
Okay. So, um, "Blair Witch 2." It didn't scare me, but it was an intriguing enough story that it didn't totally suck. Spoilers ahoy ...
So last night Freakylinks actually worked that pterodactyl picture into the plot. Cool. That show is fun. I'm really glad I stuck with it beyond its stupid pilot. I like they way they treat the web site like it's really run by the people portrayed in the show, even though the portrayal of actually running a web site on the show is not all that realistic, but still, a good time is had by all, so that can be forgiven. Leave it to those Blair Witch guys to use the web to blur the lines between reality and fiction in such an intriguing manner.
Today's Halloween Related Link O' the Day: Halloween Suck! And, in a half-assed attempt to make up for such easy linkage, a bonus: Old Halloween Suck!
This guy I listen to on the drive to work has a segment called The College of Obscure Knowledge, kind of a local Christian version of The Straight Dope. This morning he was talking about a 16th century printing of the Bible that was recalled because they left the word "not" out of the seventh commandment, making it read "Thou shalt commit adultery." I had to laugh, because it reminded me of Good Omens, and the extremely rare print of the "Buggre Alle This" Bible. Which led to a tangent of thinking of my favorite character, Dog, and all of the hijinks which ensued therein. Before I knew it I had a huge grin on my face.
Hey, kids! It's the-- eh, you know what it is. Check it out: Comic Book Universe Battles: Great Pumpkin vs. Jack Skellington
Okay. So I write that (in third person, even though it's painfully obvious that "she" is really me), then I head out to lunch, wrapped up in my own little world where I'm enthusiastically throwing myself a pity party. I get on the elevator, and vaguely notice that there is a guy on there with me. We start down, just him and me and my self pity, then I realize that he's speaking. "mumbled garbled raining outside," I hear.
Okay! As for my birthday, well ... here's my wishlist. You've got plenty of time to start saving ...
One more "Angel" observation: When Angel had Darla down in that old convent/waterworks, those were some of the worst vampire face transitions I'd ever seen on either show.
"It obviously has paranormal origins."
No. I thought about it, but rejected it for the same reason I never bought myself a PS1. If I had one of those things in the house I would never, ever get anything accomplished ever again.
Since I wrote about that spider web I keep feeling like things are crawling around on my scalp. I really hate that.
Eyuh. I'm having not such a good morning. Allergies are making my nose and eyes run, my eye is all swolen and red and stinging, and bright light hurts. And when I went to start my car this morning the battery was dead, so I had to go back in and wake my mom and ask to borrow her van. Then I drove off in said van without remembering to get my parking permit out of my car, so I'll probably get a ticket. Then I get here, and he tells me the story of how his sister got engaged, and I couldn't have written a more romantic scenario, which is just disgusting. I'm happy for Dawn, but I'm a petty, bitter person, so naturally I'm jealous as hell.
Woo-hoo! My Pitch Black DVD shipped today! Come the weekend, I shall be the proud owner of a DVD, bringing me ever so closer to joining up with the rest of the 21st century. Now I just need to get myself one of them thar DVD players, and I'll be set.
It's that time again, kids! Time for the Halloween-related link o' the day (yes, that's right, there's a Halloween link o' the day. Starting yesterday, with that scary clown site. Just go along with it, 'kay?): Halloween Urban Legends
I'm trying to talk my friend Terrence into starting a blog. Mainly just because it would be nice if at least one of my "real life" friends had a web presence that I could link to, just to prove that I actually do have "real life" friends. So let's all send bloggy brainwaves to Terrence to try and will him to jump on this hit parade to bloggerville. Go Terrence! Go Terrence! It's your birthday! Have a party!
Yesterday was kind of nice. It would have been really nice if I hadn't had to go to Wal-Mart. Even that wouldn't have been too bad if I hadn't had to pick up my vacation pictures from the photolab, where little sister was working. She wants to set me up with a janitor named Ralph. I told her I don't do blind dates. She called me a snob and said her husband told her I'd think I was too good to go out with a janitor. I think if we'd been at home instead of in the middle of her workplace that conversation would have eventually ended up in one of our kidney-punching, hair-pulling, name calling sessions. Or at least a slap fight.
I overslept this morning. Slept right through both alarms (because it takes at least two of them to wake me ... perhaps I should consider adding a third). I got to work an hour late and when I walked by my supervisor, she said she wished she could've slept in this morning too.
They're added. Plus I managed to get this random background image script to work on the first try. Go me.
Happy, happy! Scarecrow signed my guestbook over at the Realm. Hardly anybody ever signs my guestbook. That's why I don't put one on here. It would just be day after day of rejection and dejection when nobody signs it.
Spider-Man movie news - Alicia Witt, apparantly, is the new Mary Jane Watson.
Actually, it's one of my dirty little secrets (or at least, it was till now) that I saw Pitch Black 3 times in the theaters (once in it's regular run then twice at the dollar movies). The first time I saw it, I didn't really think much of the movie (I think my initial thoughts on the film are around here somewhere ... oh, here they are), but I was completely smitten with Vin Diesel (Riddick), and went to see it again just for him. The second time the movie's flaws didn't stand out, and I noticed a lot of things that I hadn't noticed before that actually made it a really likeable movie. The third viewing convinced me that there is a lot more to like about it than not. And not just Vin Diesel.
Lessening the degrees of separation between Star Trek and X-Men, it also occurred to me last night that Famke Jansen once played an alien who fell in love with Captain Picard in the episode "The Perfect Mate".
I went with Terrence & Tess last night to see X-Men again at the dollar movies. I love that movie. That was the third time I'd seen it. I had an easier time this time around accepting Famke Jansen as Jean Grey, and James Marsden (he's from Oklahoma, y'know ... turns out he went to OSU at the same time as Tess, though if they ever crossed paths she doesn't remember) as Cyclops. I still couldn't reconcile Ian McKellan with my idea of Magneto, but it occurred to me that he would make an excellent Ra's Al Ghul.
Chat with Vin Diesel tonight on MSN. *SIGH* It's probably a good thing I won't be home tonight. I'd hate to risk making a fool of myself in a chat room in front of the man I'm going to marry.
I said I was through talking about Buffy, but I changed my mind. I liked her "studying montage" fantasy that she relayed to Willow. I'm the same way with writing. I go a while without writing regularly (bad Jean!) and start to get these romanticized images of myself being all writerly, sitting at my little desk just tapping away, filled to the brim with inspiration, breezing through a story, getting it right the first time, and it all happens (in my head) in short music video style scenes to the musical stylings of ... some band with writerly musical stylings. Actually, I used to always listen to Malcom McLaren during my Serious Writing Sessions, but lately it's been Sarah Brightman--but that's neither here nor there. Back to my point, which is, that once I've been inspired enough by my little romantic montage fantasy to actually sit down and write, I quickly remember that the reality is usually closer to sitting for long minutes staring at the screen, typing something, staring at it for a while, deciding it's bad, deleting it, staring at the blank space, trying again, and repeating the process over and over again for hours, and hopefully getting a few pages out of the process. Although, once in a great while you actually are filled to the brim with inspiration, and it all happens just like in the montage. Those are the moments that make all of the tediousness that comes with being a writer the rest of the time worthwhile.
Heather Havrilesky! Bulma shower pics! Vegeta naked (woo)! Foot stalker! Ritalin Ritalin Ritalin!
Time again for Jean's weekly Buffy & Angel prattlings (possible spoilers for anyone who hasn't yet seen them):
I'm eating lunch at my desk today, listing to Whistle Down The Wind as I munch.
I'm trying to be a responsible voter, I really am. I've taken about all I can take of Bush and Gore, so I've been checking out the alternatives: Ralph Nader and Howard Phillips.
Last night, after Roswell (because sci-fi/supernatural teen dramas always take precedence, donchaknow), I sat down and finished the new ending to my book. So I've completely rewritten the beginning and the ending. Now I just need to go through and make sure everything in between lines up with the new stuff. That seems simple enough until I pull up the whole 300+ page manuscript that I've already edited half a dozen times. Then it gets a wee bit daunting. Soon, though, I think I'll be ready to send it out into the world again.
I want to designate myself as a traffic cop. Not the kind that polices actual traffic violations, but one that polices stupid drivers.
At long last, I've posted a new (well, new to you) story, Patch, in the Words section. Maybe this sort of thing will become a habit ...
Huzzah! I've found the missing portion of my chapter! I'm also eating some baked fudge left over from yesterday's monthly catch-all birthday/promotion/farewell celebration party, so I'm in chocoholic heaven. Don't good things come in threes? Oh yeah, it's Friday. That's always good. Oh, wait, it's Friday the 13th. Does that cancel it all out? I guess it's a good thing I'm not really superstitious. Besides, I had an encounter with a homeless man on my lunch hour (not Yelling Man, but close enough) that pretty much filled my wierdness quota for the day.
I have sounds from the Tick cartoon on my work PC. The asterisk sound is Tick cheering "All RIGHT!"
I've been telling my friend Tess about this Snickers commercial for months, but she's never seen it, and has been questioning whether or not I hallucinated the whole thing.
I'm writing and listening to Nick Drake on the virtual juke box and everyone is leaving me alone to concentrate.
Gentlemen, a word of advice: If you feel you must stare at a woman, for whatever reason, at least have the decency to look away once you've been caught staring. To continue to stare after she's noticed you staring, especially if you do so every single time you see her, and especially if this sort of thing has been going on for months and she's afraid to even go to Arby's for lunch because you're always there with the staring and you never make any move to speak to her and you don't even attempt to be subtle about it ... well that's just creepy. Stop it.
Okay ... last week Anya got knocked down by a vamp and hit her HEAD on the stove and before taking her to the hospital someone remarked that she had a nasty HEAD injury ... so when did putting your arm in a sling become a viable treatment for a concussion?
Dammit! I finally psyched myself up to stay after work and actually write something for once, and actually pulled up my novel to work on the rewrites, and suddenly half the department decides to stay late, and they all think I'm still on duty. So every few minutes somebody's coming up here to my desk -- ignoring my headphones, ignoring the fact my phone is forwarded to voice mail, ignoring the fact that all of my desk lights are turned off, and ignoring the fact that I'm ignoring them -- to ask me for help with something. It's making it just a little bit hard to get into a creative flow. To top it off, I finally managed to read through my chapter one rewrite, only to find that a good portion of it is missing. It's been months since I worked on this thing, I don't remember what I wrote, but I know it was good, and now it's gone. Nike - Chainsaw - this commercial got pulled from the Olympics coverage, and got a Jeer in last week's TV Guide, for being sexist and too scary for network television.
Every time I add Rory to my daily links he turns around and shuts down his site a few weeks later. I'm starting to take it personally.
No, no, no. Not the much rumored, much hyped, yet-to-be, live-action Batman Beyond movie. At the moment I couldn't give a rat's ass about that, especially with the persistent Keanu casting rumors that keep floating around. I'm talking about a new animated movie that's supposed to bridge the gap between the old animated series and Batman Beyond, and explain what happened to Robin, Nightwing, etc. The animated portion of the Batman franchise has consistently been better than it's live-action counterparts, and this new entry is reportedly at least as good as Mask of the Phantasm, which is considered by most fans to be the bast Batman movie in the entire franchise, live-action or animated. At least, that's what those who saw the advanced screening copy of the version that was supposed to come out two weeks from now said about it, but that might not be true anymore if they go and chop it up so that it doesn't frighten small children and piss off politicians.
Today I cancelled my pre-order for Return of the Joker. I'd paid for it with gift certificates. I used them to order Pitch Black (Unrated Version) instead.
Like I said earlier, I also watched several season/series premieres this weekend. Here is what I watched, and what I thought about it:
Keywords for this weekend: Little Shop. Batman. New TV. Internet. More Batman.
Continuing the "Jean's a geek" theme, I've spent most of my blog readin' & writin' time the last couple of days putting together this petition site to protest extra edits that are reportedly being made to the feature length "Batman Beyond" movie that was due out this month. Rumors are running rampant that the release date was delayed so that the finished film, which advance screeners reported was a masterpiece, could be toned down to be more kid friendly, with no plans in the works for an uncut release for us older fans of the show. It had me pissed off enough to actually do something instead of my usual tactic of sitting around and complaining loudly. This is turning into a battle over censorship in the media. Please go read the petition, and if you agree with what it stands for, add your name to it.
Northeastern Oklahoma weather, which always has its fair share of wierdness, has in one day completely skipped autumn and gone straight into winter. Yesterday it was in the 80's, today it's in the 40's and falling. Damn. Hopefully it'll straighten out and find a middle ground. I love fall, I'll be awfully cranky (crankier, I should probably say) if I'm deprived of it.
Save the Joker - Because I'm on a quest to prove to the world just how much of a spastic fangirl I can be.
I told my mom that I want to learn to do what Willow and Tara do, but she got really quiet and made me go to my room.... she just doesn't understand about witchcraft.
Dilemma: do I tape Buffy & Angel and watch Dark Angel, or vice versa? Or do I forego both in favor of the presidential debates?
I'm in the mood for it to be a rainy day, dark and chilly outside but warm and cozy inside with the glow of candles and a computer screen for light, melancholy music keeping my company while I craft something -- a web graphic, an essay, a story, it doesn't matter which.
Real Video interview w/ Anthony Hopkins from the set of "Hannibal" - Have I mentioned that I cannot effing WAIT to see this movie?
French Masters. Almost Famous. Java Dave's. Fearful rewrites. Posting stories. Getting dressed.
Laundry. Batman. Pajamas and TV. Chips & salsa. Poodle maintenance. Sleep. Sunday paper. Frou-frou catalogues. Open windows. Christopher Moore.