Last night, after Roswell (because sci-fi/supernatural teen dramas always take precedence, donchaknow), I sat down and finished the new ending to my book. So I've completely rewritten the beginning and the ending. Now I just need to go through and make sure everything in between lines up with the new stuff. That seems simple enough until I pull up the whole 300+ page manuscript that I've already edited half a dozen times. Then it gets a wee bit daunting. Soon, though, I think I'll be ready to send it out into the world again.
Also on the writing front, still no response from that magazine on that article I turned in a few weeks ago.
It occurred to me last night (while I was staring at the screen thinking of all of the other things I could be doing other than writing ... I always get ideas when I'm supposed to be concentrating on something else) that this here weblog format would be a good venue for some round-robin type story telling. What do you think? Anybody interested in being part of a story blog?
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