The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, October 18, 2000

I said I was through talking about Buffy, but I changed my mind. I liked her "studying montage" fantasy that she relayed to Willow. I'm the same way with writing. I go a while without writing regularly (bad Jean!) and start to get these romanticized images of myself being all writerly, sitting at my little desk just tapping away, filled to the brim with inspiration, breezing through a story, getting it right the first time, and it all happens (in my head) in short music video style scenes to the musical stylings of ... some band with writerly musical stylings. Actually, I used to always listen to Malcom McLaren during my Serious Writing Sessions, but lately it's been Sarah Brightman--but that's neither here nor there. Back to my point, which is, that once I've been inspired enough by my little romantic montage fantasy to actually sit down and write, I quickly remember that the reality is usually closer to sitting for long minutes staring at the screen, typing something, staring at it for a while, deciding it's bad, deleting it, staring at the blank space, trying again, and repeating the process over and over again for hours, and hopefully getting a few pages out of the process. Although, once in a great while you actually are filled to the brim with inspiration, and it all happens just like in the montage. Those are the moments that make all of the tediousness that comes with being a writer the rest of the time worthwhile.


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