Time again for Jean's weekly Buffy & Angel prattlings (possible spoilers for anyone who hasn't yet seen them):
Spike loves Buffy. BWA-Ha ha hahahahahaha! But, really, who didn't see that coming?
Spike may be the only person on the show whom the writers love to torture more than Anya. It was funny when he fell into the grave after the "I will have your blood, Slayer" speech, but that sort of thing always happens to him after he tries to be Mr. Hellacool Sinister Vampire. His mishaps are becoming predictable. Still funny, tho'.
Favorite Angel moments, both involving Cordy: "You can't fire me, I'm vision girl." Followed by sticking her tongue out at Angel; and ...
While running after the van that just kidnapped this week's damsel-in-distress whose name currently escapes me, so we'll just call her Carrie, and shouting: "It's okay to squash those guys!"
I'm not sure whether Gunn is growing on me or if I'm just starting to get used to him, but he didn't bug me as much this week as in previous episodes.
Okay, that's all for the Buffy talk. Oh, and Dark Angel was pretty good, too. I didn't expect to like that show, but I do. Which probably means it will be cancelled soon, because that's the way these things usually go. Same with Freaky Links, but if that one gets axed I'll only miss it as long as it takes for SciFi to start showing new episodes of Farscape again.
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