This warmed my heart and brought a tear to my eye (link pilfered from Derek -- which, come to think of it, probably means that you've already seen it, since odds are pretty astronomical that you visit his site a lot more often than you visit mine).
Once again, I've decided that I don't like my design. I'm not sure if it's because my design is unlikeable, or because a week is really all it takes for me to become bored with a design no matter how good (or bad) it is. It's probably a bit of both. Anyway, I'm not going to make any significant updates or additions until I come up with a design I like. I have some ideas. It all depends on how well I can manage to fake some drawing skills. I can't help but think that if I had a decent camera I'd be able to do wonderful things, but I don't, so in the mean time I have to compensate with my extremely limited graphic design capabilities.
That reminds me, though, yesterday I got a raise, so maybe I'll be able to get a good camera sooner rather than later.
Anyway, some things I want to leave you, my 3 to 5 semi-faithful readers, with before I take off for the weekend:
Web groups. I've seen a lot of stuff around the weblog community about groups like Pixelitas, Digital Divas, the mysterious LNBB, etc. (no, I'm not linking them, and I'm not linking any of the posts about them). Stuff that's been written has been both good and bad, serious and not-so-serious. I can't honestly say that I give a rat's patootie about these clubs one way or the other. I'm not much of a team player, and I don't like joining clubs or groups. They tend to expect you to contribute stuff in exchange for membership, be it money or time or your immortal soul or whatever. I'm too anti-social to join any kind of "sisterhood" or what have you, and for me the benefits never make it worth the cost of joining. I'm just not a people person.
So why am I writing about them? Because if that's your kind of thing, good for you. And because, though I do think discrimination is bad, and should even be unlawful in publicly funded groups, private groups have -- as well they should -- the right to keep out anyone they so desire. If women want to get together and form a group to promote themselves and each other on the web and come up with a cutesy, girl power type name for themselves, more power to them. If men want to do the same thing, great. That's the point of clubs, to network with and get to know people with whom you have something in common. As long as my tax money isn't contributing to your group in any way, you shouldn't be required to allow someone into your group that will make you uncomfortable and/or take away from the original intent of your group in any way just for the sake of political correctness. If you're going to demand that a women's group that was developed for the purpose of celebrating and promoting the work done by women start allowing male members and not keep them out just because of the silly little technicality that they're not women, then you might as well also demand that ethnic & racially based groups (even white supremecists -- those KKK neo-nazis are screwed up, but they still have their right to assemble) not keep out those of purely Anglo-Saxon heritage (or non-Anglo-Saxon heritage, in the case of the nazis). That might be PC, but it would defeat the whole purpose of the group.
That said, I actually did join a group this week, but I didn't have to give up anything for it, and I get to put this nifty button on my site. That Erich must be one hell of a guy to have all these dynamic, intelligent, strong women (myself included) clamoring to join his harem, even if it is only metaphorical. But sometimes you just gotta lighten up on the political correctness crap and have some fun.
Also ...
I'd been pretty down the last few weeks, thinking that my life pretty well just sucks, but I'd been trying (and often failing) not to complain too loudly or too often about it, because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that, comparatively, I've actually got it pretty good, and if I didn't stop whining and start counting my blessings sooner or later something would happen to make me appreciate what I've got. Sure enough, my dog died. While I'm still pretty torn up over losing her, I'm also grateful that it was my dog and not something truly devastating like my mom or my sister. Losing someone (even pets) makes you slow down and take stock in life, and gives you a good perspective on what is and isn't important. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, how important is developing and maintaining a kick-ass web site, or holding a prestigious job, or even writing a best-selling novel? Not very. So instead of rushing home after work and jumping right on my laptop and spending my entire evening working on one of my too-damn-many projects every night, I've been stopping to talk -- not just talk, but listen -- to my mom, or playing with my nephew, or just hanging out with my cat; this weekend I'm trying not to think about all of the things I need to accomplish and I'm going to spend it cherishing my friends and family, actually living my life instead of writing about other people's lives. Every night this week I've given thanks for what I do have instead of asking God for what I don't. And you know what? This week I've felt happier and more at peace with everything than I have in months. Knowing me, this probably won't last. I'm too forgetful of these important life lessons, I seem to need to repeat them over and over before I finally start to get it.
The main thing is, at this moment, I like my life, even if it's not what I expected it to be.
Have a good weekend, everybody.