The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, April 18, 2000

Impudite made some disparaging comments about my hero, and I feel the need to rebut. Actually, I can't really argue most of what he said, but as far as his toys and gadgets, they were either designed & maintained by Harold (a little-known member of the Bat squad) or pilfered from Wayne Tech, so he's not an engineer or an expert mechanic. He's just resourceful. And I think Alfred is responsible for the design of the various Robin costumes -- but I like the current costume.

At any rate, more often than not, the Batman titles are some of the best written mainstream comics, especially recently. No Man's Land was some damn good storytelling, and this year they've taken Batman back to basics. If you share Impudite's opinion of the Dark Knight and it's based on previous decades' output or on the general pop-cultural knowledge of Batman gleaned from the movies and the various TV series, please pick up some of the current comics and don't write him off until you've given him a second look. For my money he's still the coolest superhero there is, period.

Um, except for the Tick.


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