The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, April 17, 2000

My doggie is sick. She's been pretty bad for about a week now. Last weekend she wasn't eating as much, and she was passing blood, but she still had an appetite, and she was able to get around okay. She was even playful. Tuesday I took her to the vet, who said she had an inflamed colon -- nothing serious. He sent home some antibiotics and some special food and said she should be fine in a few days. It's been more than a few days, and she won't eat, she can't walk, and she barely seems to know where she is. I'm thinking that maybe it is serious, after all.

I stayed home over the weekend, so I could keep an eye on her (it's not easy to go out and enjoy yourself when you know you might come home to find your doggie has died while you were out), and I managed to finish the final draft of my novel. Finished. Done. Finito. All I have to do now is print it (which I'm working on ... I'm having trouble with the headers, which is causing me to have to print one chapter at a time, which is annoying as all get out) and mail it to the publisher, then sit back and wait for a response, and pray that it will be a positive one. I'd feel elated, if my puppy wasn't so sick. Every silver lining has a cloud ...

At any rate, item one on the big list is coming along quite nicely.

I've noticed that I've been given a permanent link on the Impudit's blog. I realize this is going to look like retroactive butt kissing, but I've been meaning to add him to my side bar for a while now, I just kept forgetting. I actually meant to add the link the same time I added BluishOrange. Really. Anyway, it's been remedied.


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