The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, April 04, 2000

I used to have this whole bitch persona, both on the web and in life (but mostly on the web), but I got tired of it (some might say I outgrew it) and decided it wouldn't kill me to try and be nice. Ever since then I've lost creative direction. Is it that being bitter and irate all the time is true to who I am, and suppressing that is suppressing my true nature, which is hindering my creativity? Or is it simply that bitter, irate rants are so easy to write and to design for that they don't really pose any creative challenge? I'm thinking it's probably the latter. Or maybe I'm just losing my edge.

Or maybe my job is just sucking dry my will to be edgy. This quiz told me, "You should definitely quit your job. You're using your job as an excuse not to do what you are really meant to. Obviously, who you are and what you do are solidly connected in your mind. Chances are your very spirit is entrepreneurial, or you have a deep- seeded disrespect for all authority, or you have to do something that is eating at you for your neglect it. Quit already. Go, start your own company, write the novel, paint the picture. People like you, at your stage of life really shouldn't be working for anyone else." But then, I didn't really need a quiz to tell me that.

(note: I came across that link last night while surfing blogs. I suffered an ISP connection fart while I was trying to blog it, so I gave up and went to bed. All I could remember this morning was the name of the website, but I forgot where I picked up the link. Sorry. Remember, kids, uncredited link pilfering is bad!)


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