Aww, fluggart! I did it again!
I'm going home now. Have a good weekend.
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
(Let's see if I can post this on the right web site this time ... 'course, this kind of takes the spontaneity right out of it all ...)
Aww, cripes! I totally $*&^#ed up this page by accidentally overwriting the quote .gif with the Arkham cover image. I don't suppose there're any Joker's Realm devotees out there who saved that quote image for any reason? I don't think I have a back-up. If you have it, and you can send it to me, I will love you forever.
Okay, now, if this featured the original team members, who actually did start out under Xavier's tuteledge as teens, then I'd be really excited about it. As it is, I'm just trepidatious.
I'm feeling better today, mostly. No more introspective ramblings about my own mortality. Instead I'll ramble about Buffy. Aren't you glad? I knew you would be.
Introspection has lead to melancholia, and I'm having a hard time snapping out of it.
Re: Buffy & Angel -- I liked, on both counts. Although, I was a little disappointed in Dracula, and I expected them to do more with Darla. And was it just the lighting, or did Faith have blonde highlights? Do they let people color their hair in prison? Anyway, the best part of the whole two hours was Xander's angry rant after he fell out of thrall. I hope somebody wrote that down somewhere, because I can't remember the exact wording and I want so badly to quote parts of that speech.
For the first time, while writing out the copyright notice for Joker's Realm today, the realization fully hit me that AOL owns Batman.
When I listen to Broadway cast recordings at home or in my car, I tend to sing along at the top of my lungs. Especially the ballads. I really belt those out. It ain't pretty, but it's fun. When there's noone around to hear, it's easy to pretend I sing as well as Linda Eder or Sarah Brightman.
By the way, don't anybody try to call me between 7 and 9 tonight, because I won't be answering the phone. Not that I ever answer the phone anyway ...
I have an article for these people due by Friday (it's written, but it's 200+ words over their maximum word limit), and a written testimony for this due by tomorrow, not to mention a bunch of things to do that are actually related to my job, and I can't stay late tonight because I have to go home and watch Buffy & Angel. So, then, I suppose I'd best get right on it ...
I saw Urban Legends: Final Cut this weekend. Now, I liked the first Urban Legend movie. It didn't push any horror barriers or set any new standards, but it was a decent enough slasher flick on par with the "I Know What You Did ..." movies. The sequel was okay, but nowhere near as satisfying, scary or suspenseful as the first. The whole "movie-within-a-movie" concept, as well as the concept of a killer who copies movie devices, were both done already, and a lot better, in the Scream series. Still, it had some good moments -- most of them more comical than scary. The best part for me was the cameo by the "Noxema girl" killer from the first film. I thought that was the most clever part of the whole movie.
Buffy Season Premiere Review -- This is really spoiler-heavy, and once I stopped reading I couldn't stop. If you don't want to know, don't go there.
Last night I watched that show "Fear". I don't believe in ghosts (I believe in the supernatural, i.e. God, Satan, angels and demons, etc., but I believe when people die their spirits either go to Heaven or Hell with really no choice in the matter, so how could they be hanging out in houses and what have you performing hauntings? Anyway ...), but you could not have paid me enough money to go inside that prison at night, let alone to sit by myself in the dark in the creepiest part of the place. I mean, could you imagine? I almost go into apoplectic shock during power outages, and that's in my own living room behind locked doors with a big-ass scary looking dog for company. I had to sleep with the lights on after I saw the Blair Witch Project. No, I don't handle the dark well. And $3,000 would not have been nearly enough of an incentive to get me to face that fear. My figurative hat's off to those kids, even the ones who gave up and left after the first night. They're a hell of a lot braver than I.
"Pi" guy ventures into Bat Cave - This news excites me, as does the tidbit at the bottom that they're also going ahead with the live-action "Batman Beyond" movie ... but in every article I've read so far about "Beyond," they mention the new Batman's name is Tim McGuinness. In the animated version his name is Terry. I wonder if this is just a mistake, or if they changed his name, and if so, why (unless they decided that Terry is kind of a weenie name for any superhero, let alone Batman -- no offense, Terrence)?
Last night I dreamt that I went to a family reunion and Terri Hatcher was there. Actually, it started out as a rather pleasant dream about Dean Cain's Clark Kent, and she showed up there first as Lois Lane, which rather peeved me because I wanted to be alone with Dean/Clark, but then I went to the reunion, and she was there as herself, and ticked because people kept asking her if she could get them Howie Long's autograph. Turned out she was my Aunt Emma Lou's neice or something. Now, I really do have an Aunt Emma Lou, but my dad was the youngest of 10, and I've only actually ever met about half of his siblings, and most of the other half are dead by now, and I can't remember whether Emma Lou was one of his many sisters or one of his brother's wives. Anyway, the confusing thing is that after I woke up, and even now, I'm not sure whether it was all just in the dream, or if someone really did tell me once that Terri Hatcher is some kind of relation.
Funny, isn't it, how my little spurts of web design inspiration always seem to coincide with my approaching writing deadlines?
I know this is more than a week late (hey, I was in Florida. I'm still catching up.), but congratulations to Fluggart for passing his qualifier exams.
Sometimes I wish I could be one of those cute, petite little girly girls. But then I get around some of those cute, petite little girly girls and remember how much they get on my nerves, and I'm glad I'm not one of them.
And last night was fun, in a sheer, mind-numbing terror sort of way.
I suppose I should write a bit about my vacation. Really, there's not much to tell. Friday - Monday morning was mostly driving, stopping to sleep in Memphis, New Orleans, and Gainesville, with a stop-off at Graceland in Memphis on Saturday morning. Graceland was impressive in it's tackiness but disappointing in it's size and lack of grandeur.
You know, every single presidential election I've been faced with since I reached voting age (all three of them) have been all about choosing between the lesser of two (or three) evils. This time around, it's harder than ever to decide which one is less evil. And they wonder why we hate to vote ...
Somewhere between Cocoa Beach and Tallahasee (both of which are in Florida, for the geographically challenged), I picked up a nasty chest cold which gave me a lovely, oh-so-feminine, rattling, hacking cough, not to mention a wicked sore throat. Today my throat no longer hurts and the cough has taken on a somewhat less moist quality, but it seems to be moving up into my head, because now my nose keeps going back and forth between being completely stopped up to leaking uncontrollably. On the bright side, my voice has taken on a husky, raspy tone which I'm told is very sexy. Too bad you boys can't hear me.
I know you’re dying to hear all about my vacation, but that can wait. Today I want to talk about the disturbing news regarding a lawsuit against the American Psychiatric Association and the makers of Ritalin that claims both parties conspired to create a market to turn America’s children into drug addicts by diagnosing them with a made up disorder.
How depressing. Out of all those e-mails, only 6 of them were personal. The rest was all either spam or mailing lists. Bleah.
I'm back. I just checked my e-mail, I have 163 new messages. If you wrote and expect a reply, it may take me a while.
This time tomorrow -- actually, this time tomorrow I'll probably be sitting in the drive-thru line at Burger King trying to get some good road trip breakfast-type munchies; but an hour or so from this time tomorrow I'll be on the open road with my bestest friend and lots of good, unhealthy snacks, about to cross the state line into Arkansas, on the way to Florida for a week of fun, sun, and ridiculously long lines full of grown adults who have no problem whatsoever with wearing plastic mouse ears on their heads. Yay fun!
I have so much crap to get done today it's not even funny.
First of all, as Mark explains at the beginning, it's supposed to be a crummy little tenemant in a crummy neighborhood. Probably still ridiculously expensive by Tulsa standards, but pretty cheap by Manhattan standards. Anyway, Mark probably spent most of his money on film equipment, and the rest on Maureen. Roger's an unemployed musician, he probably doesn't have any money to speak of, and what he does have probably goes for medical bills.
Cut off! I haven't been able to access my e-mail all day, which is incredibly irritating, not to mention isolating and lonely. Not that I get much more than offers to make millions from home and the occasional invitation to drop in and chat with sweet young things named Brandi that are barely of legal age and would love to show me their pictures if I would just drop by their site at, and bill notices, but still, I want my e-mail.
It's funny how bad memories can ambush you seemingly out of nowhere and ruin your mood. On the drive to work this morning, I was giving myself my usual pep talk, reminding myself that this job doesn't have nearly as much about which to hate as any of my previous jobs (I'm not sure about the structure of this sentence, but I'm leaving it anyway). For instance, I don't have to work with the public. Cranky co-workers and bosses are much easier to deal with than cranky customers, especially retail customers. Some retail store customers apparantly think that their sole purpose as a shopper is to make sales people feel as crummy as possible; still, a retail associate can get fired for telling such a customer to bite them. If you tell a coworker who is pissing you off to bite you, the worst that usually happens (at least on a first offense) is you get sent to watch a training video about how to maintain an emotionally healthy work environment. Er ... not that I know from experience.
As you probably expected, this past Saturday I saw both Rent and Highlander: Endgame. Now I shall do my best to review them both, beginning with ...
I had this rant all written up in my little "blog this!" window, but just as I was about to post and publish it occurred to me that it would be unfair of me to inflict it on you poor souls when it would be so much more at home hidden in the pages of Joker's Realm.
Gonna see Rent tommorow!
Several months ago, there was this woman in a nearby town (Bixby, OK) who was selling a pool table (or something like that ... the details escape me), and she allowed a prospective buyer into her house. He kidnapped her, and soon after killed her, beginning a killing spree that stretched through three or four states. I think they eventually caught him in Mississippi. He killed two or three people besides that woman between here and there. So no, I don't think it's horrible that you think about that sort of thing when you go to make transactions with a stranger. A little paranoia can be a healthy thing.
I have bad putt-putt golf associations, too, but they have nothing to do with World War III.