The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, September 21, 2000

Last night I dreamt that I went to a family reunion and Terri Hatcher was there. Actually, it started out as a rather pleasant dream about Dean Cain's Clark Kent, and she showed up there first as Lois Lane, which rather peeved me because I wanted to be alone with Dean/Clark, but then I went to the reunion, and she was there as herself, and ticked because people kept asking her if she could get them Howie Long's autograph. Turned out she was my Aunt Emma Lou's neice or something. Now, I really do have an Aunt Emma Lou, but my dad was the youngest of 10, and I've only actually ever met about half of his siblings, and most of the other half are dead by now, and I can't remember whether Emma Lou was one of his many sisters or one of his brother's wives. Anyway, the confusing thing is that after I woke up, and even now, I'm not sure whether it was all just in the dream, or if someone really did tell me once that Terri Hatcher is some kind of relation.

I think those Radio Shack commercials are beginning to affect me.


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