The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, September 25, 2000

Last night I watched that show "Fear". I don't believe in ghosts (I believe in the supernatural, i.e. God, Satan, angels and demons, etc., but I believe when people die their spirits either go to Heaven or Hell with really no choice in the matter, so how could they be hanging out in houses and what have you performing hauntings? Anyway ...), but you could not have paid me enough money to go inside that prison at night, let alone to sit by myself in the dark in the creepiest part of the place. I mean, could you imagine? I almost go into apoplectic shock during power outages, and that's in my own living room behind locked doors with a big-ass scary looking dog for company. I had to sleep with the lights on after I saw the Blair Witch Project. No, I don't handle the dark well. And $3,000 would not have been nearly enough of an incentive to get me to face that fear. My figurative hat's off to those kids, even the ones who gave up and left after the first night. They're a hell of a lot braver than I.


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