So I'm reading the label on my Blistex (don't ask me why -- it's amazing the sorts of things that are suddenly fascinating reading when you've got a blank page before you waiting to be filled), and I see "Warnings: When using this product, keep out of eyes." And now I'm wondering just how spectacularly uncoordinated a person would have to be for that to even be an issue.
The Original Blog O' Jean
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
Saturday, November 30, 2002
Well, that was a nice day out with the family. My mom took pity on me and bought me a cute sweater that was on clearance and a badly needed new pair of houseshoes. The latter are leopard print and fuzzy, and Niblet is terrified of them. I had to take them off because she kept pouncing my feet and now I'm having great fun watching her sneak up on them. HA HA! She just pounced one, and when she hit it and it moved she jumped in the air about five feet and landed all fluffed and hissing. Stupid cat.
Right now I'm at a loss as to what to do. I'm too worn out to clean. I need to answer e-mail and thank everybody for their donations and suggestions. I also need to try and write. I didn't get any writing done yesterday, not even any revising of pre-existing scenes. I wish somebody else would turn in a new scene so I could beta and get back into writing mode that way. I see the boards are back up, thankfully, but nobody's posted anything. And I haven't talked to fenwic or adjrun for days. I thought adj logged on to AIM last night but that was her husband and I think I scared him. And queenofthorns is still out of town. I feel so alone. I wanted to go to the movies with Tess tonight but, alas, no money. At least I've got Niblet vs. the Fuzzy Slippers to entertain me.
I'm broke. Really, really broke, which is something of a shock as I thought I'd at least had enough money to last through the end of the month if I didn't spend all willy nilly. Thanks to the generosity of DL readers most of my web fees are covered, for now, but there might have to be some changes around here in the near future. I'm contemplating all of my options, and not making any decisions yet. And looking for ways to make some money to get me through until my next student loan check. I'm working on putting together an Amazon Buffy shop over at DL, and I need to go through my comics and collectibles and see what I can bear to part with to hock on e-bay. This is also good incentive to get off my butt and line up some gigs for the band. Ooh! Speaking of, $5 plus shipping will get you their CD, so if you're interested e-mail me. You can also buy Last Exit swag over at their site. I wanted to sell DL swag but that plan kinda fell through when, despite eep's best efforts to manipulate a Spuffy picture beyond the point of copyright infringement, we haven't been able to come up with a tee-shirt design that doesn't violate CafePress's rules.
Maybe it's high time I stopped talking about making and selling gift baskets and went for it.
Anyway. I'm getting ready to go tag along with my mom and li'l sis for another round of maternity clothes shopping, because that's my only chance to get out of the house this weekend.
Oh! And the originaly reason I wanted to post -- I have no idea why the RJP boards aren't working. It's very frustrating, they've been down from my end since last night. I hope they're back up by the time I get home. Even though apparently only one person there besides me is still interested in discussing anything. But I need the distraction. So, please come back up, boards!
Friday, November 29, 2002
Hope everybody had a happy Thanksgiving. My condolences to those who had to go back to work today. Me, I slept in and now I'm having a late breakfast of pumpkin roll. Mmm, pumpkin roll. Fizzgigg is apparently also a fan of the pumpkin roll, because I went to get some coffee just now before I started blogging and instead of wandering off or giving up and going to lie down, he sat in the same spot and patiently waited for me to return and feed him more pumpkin roll bits. And now it's all gone and he's still sitting there, staring at me.
I had a nice, uneventful turkey day. All of the sibs and their spouses and children (and, in one case, in-laws) came over for lunch. Much ado was made over little sister, who just found out she's having a boy (Yay, a little boy! But sigh, I'll never have a niece). As we're all broke this year, we drew names for Christmas gift giving, so I only have to worry about buying for my big sister this year. Which is really a huge relief.
I forgot to ask to borrow my brother-in-law's extended LoTR DVDs, so last night I ended up watching the last leg of the Buffy marathon on FX. Since it was viewer's choice I'd figured that the Ducks would bombard the voting and turn the whole thing into a giant B/A-fest, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how Spike and Spuffy-centric most of it was. Then when it was over I had to watch "Never Leave Me" again before I went to bed. I think the scene in Buffy's basement is my favorite moment in the entire series. I love both characters so much there, and it's a shining example of what I always knew that their relationship could be: open, honest, supportive, and bringing out the best in each other. Not to mention super sexy, even without the smoochies. Spike in chains. Rrowrr.
Today I'm cleaning and, hopefully, writing. Been a while since I've done that last one, and getting back in the proverbial saddle is never easy. Had a bit of a relapse with my cold, so I may use the excuse of needing to rest to put off the cleaning part until tomorrow and focus entirely on writing today. I just hope I actually write something instead of sitting here being blocked and playing ridiculously long stretches of solitaire. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
This really is the best season of Buffy EVER! Spoilers through "Never Leave Me" ahead ...
I don't even know where to begin. Well, yes I do. I'll begin with the gloating. I KNEW it! I SAID the MMBB was the First Evil, but everybody was all, "Oh no, that's way too obvious, poo-pooh!" Well, NYAH! Sometimes things look obvious because they're exactly what they appear to be. On the one hand, I'm thrilled that they're fleshing out such a cool concept to its full potential. On the other, I'm peeved at how much relevance this all lends to "Amends." And how come Spike doesn't get any special magic life saving snow? Stupid PtB. But I guess they had to save Angel because he's their champion. Spike is Buffy's champion, so it's all up to her to save him. And she will. Because nobody messes with Buffy's boyfriend. And he is SOOOOO her boyfriend. And it's all coming full circle now, because the first time she said that was when Spike kidnapped Angel. I'm basking in the irony and loving it.
But how will she save him? This is just one of about a million and fifty questions this ep raised. Where's Giles?!!! Is he dead? Is he out gathering up the remaining proto-Slayers? My belief is the latter, and I will continue to believe so until ME shows me Giles's severed head and proves otherwise. He's not dead, la la la la la! Others have speculated that he is dead and that the First will masquerade as him for the rest of the series. That scared me at first, but I feel better after FE-Warren pointed out that it can't become corporeal (and yet it was able to touch Spike. Maybe because he's technically dead? Or maybe it can become solid just for short periods of time, just enough to wig the people it's screwing with -- it managed to claw Dawn's face, after all. Hmmm), and I think they'd notice a non-corporeal Giles as soon as Buffy tried to hug him. Plus, from what we've seen so far the First can only show itself to one person at a time.
And what the what is up with Wood? I don't want him to be evil. I like him too much. I think he was being controlled. He acted like he was being controlled. After all when he left his office he was just leaving, not heading to the basement. It wasn't until he reached the basement door that he suddenly seemed compelled to go down there. And has the Council really been wiped out? There are still field Watchers, right? I can't believe the CoW went boom. DL3 got Jossed in a major way last night.
That First Vampire looked like it stepped right out of the pages of Fray. Which really lends credence to my whole big FE/Fray/Shanshu theory, which I need to type up the rest of still. And if we have the First Evil and the First Vampire, does that mean we'll get a return of the First Slayer? And does "From beneath you it devours" really refer to First Vamp? I kinda think it does. Scare. Eee.
I loved all of the Scoobies in this ep. Nobody bugged me. Xander is learning to keep his mouth shut and not mouth off all self-righteously about Spike, which shows enormous growth for him, and that alone made me love him again. But then what he told Andrew about how he's all empty now since he left Anya at the altar ... sigh. Anya seriously cracked me up, but that's nothing new. When she got carried away and hit Xander? Hee! And I can't blame her for being a bit resentful that Spike didn't get a sword ran through his chest after he killed a bunch of people. I also loved Willow. Her confrontation with Andrew brought some old school Willow, and that was fun. And she was the only one who seemed to realize (or was willing to acknowledge) how hard Spike's troubles are on Buffy. Dawn didn't have much to do, but I was impressed with the way she held her own against that Harbinger, and her scene with Wood was awfully cute. It's interesting that Dawn and Anya are the most anti-Spike of the Scoobies right now, even moreso than Xander. Anya's overall situation isn't all that different from Spike's, so you'd expect her to be more understanding. And Dawn, well, I'm just sad that she's so distrustful of him right now. I can see why -- he was her hero, and she had her illusions about him shattered in a big way. I'm holding out hope that they'll mend their fences again, though it's pretty thin hope seeing as how ME pretty much threw the whole Spike/Dawn friendship out the window a long time ago. *Sniff*
But for now ... Buffy believes in Spike. That made me cry. I'm all verklempt now just thinking about it. She finally SEES him -- sees beyond what he is to who he is and the full meaning of everything he's done for her and the full impact of everything she did to him -- and she's mightily impressed with what she sees. I really believe she's finally letting down her guard and starting to let herself fall in love with him. She has faith in him, not only that he's truly changed and turned his back on evil, but I think also that he's the kind of man who won't betray her, won't abandon her, won't use her love to crush her. She keeps holding him up in comparison to Angel, and I think she finally sees that Angel is the one who's found wanting. I am such a happy little 'shipper right now, I can't even tell you. And I'm more in love with Spike than ever, and that's saying a whole lot. I also love Buffy so much right now. And I'm absolutely thrilled to see that the soul only changed Spike's morality and enhanced his humanity -- it didn't change his personality at all. That whole basement scene (why do Spike and Buffy keep winding up in basements this year?) was exactly what I've always wished for. Buffy's gentle cleaning of Spike's face was just the cherry on top of a whole sundae of Spuffy goodness.
I love this show. I'm in awe of Mutant Enemy. And I think I want to marry Drew Goddard.
There is not enough "Squeeee!" in the world. I got all distracted with chats tonight and I'm tired, so my deep thoughts and fangirl ramblings about this ep will have to wait until I've had some sleep. But damn, I loved this ep. And I love every single character involved. Even Xander.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
I guess all the sleep I got while I was sick caught up with me. I had a serious case of insomnia last night. Didn't fall asleep until daylight. And I was too stubborn to get up and do something else besides lie there and will myself to sleep (that, and it was cold). So now I'm really very tired. No cash on hand, so instead of imbibing caffienated beverages I'm popping Vivarin because that's all I have. I have to go to my next class so I can turn in a short paper (which I still need to knock out here in the next hour or so), but there's a good chance I won't make it to my 2:30 class.
Of course, I'm sure none of this will hinder my staying up until 3 AM tonight chatting Buffy with the west coasters. At least tomorrow's a vacation day.
Also? I'm hungry.
On an unrelated note, yesterday whilst copying "Sleeper" for Terrence I took a moment to watch the basement scene. Then last night when I got home I watched "Intervention." So today I'm even more full of love for Spike than usual. And my excitement over tonight's episode being Spike-centric is doing a lot more to sustain me than the Vivarin. Apparently there is no such thing as being too tired for the RMoS.
Monday, November 25, 2002
Wow. The silence is spooky. I've been mostly in bed or camped out on the sofa for the last few days nursing a nasty chest cold and forcing myself to work on my last big paper and generally feeling too icky-tired to get online and talk to anybody. So I expected to have lots to catch up on when I finally logged on again, but nooooo! Everybody's so quiet! I at least figured the boards would be busy after such a fantastic Buffy ep, not to mention all the regular smarty-pants obsessees with their LJs. I wonder what the deal is. Hope they're not all sick too.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
I hate being all brain-fried on Tuesday nights and then having to get up and go to school on Wednesday mornings, because then by the time I have a chance to sit down and mull over what happened on Buffy most of what I've had to say has already been said by others. But, redundancy be damned, I'm going to say it all anyway. Spoilers through "Sleeper" coming up ...
Actually, it wasn't so much that I was fried last night as that I couldn't get past "Oh my God oh my God oh my God! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!" in regards to this episode. And that's pretty much where I've been all day. But a few coherent thoughts have managed to break through the fangirl haze, the first of which is this: They better not hurt Giles!
There were two things I disliked about this ep, so let's get them out of the way here: "One bite stand" was lame and stupid, and I hope David Fury's responsible for that line and not Jane Espenson, because I :heart: Jane and I don't want her to have written something that dumb. Although she is responsible for "Beer Bad," so ... Anyway. It also peeved me when Buffy said Holden Webber had only been killed two nights before. Now, I've learned to let go of the whole headstone issue. Just because in real life it takes weeks, sometimes months (it took more than half a year with my dad's grave) for the ground on a new grave to settle enough to support a headstone doesn't mean that it has to happen that way on TV. Especially in Sunnydale where they could explain it away with magic, quick-settling dirt or something. But this still means that Holden was discovered dead, his body was processed, his funeral was held and he was buried all in the space of 24 hours. I don't care if it is just TV, or even if Sunnydale is home to a chain of McFuneral parlors, that bugs. But those were the only things I didn't like. Everything else? I want to marry.
I loved Willow being the rational one, keeping anybody from jumping to any conclusions, good or bad. I loved Dawn trying to find proof that Holden lied to Buffy so she could believe "Joyce" also lied to her. I loved the interaction between Xander & Anya, and between Anya and Spike. I LOVE that Spike got to deck Xander (so, SO satisfying, even though I'm liking Xander better this season than I have in a long time), and that Xander's lights went out before he could witness that the chip does indeed still work (and I also love that now all three major Buffy boyfriends have punched out Xander. That makes Spike, like, official or something). I loved creepy-flirty From Beneath You Buffy goading Spike into biting the girl and cheering him on. I loved that it's now canon that Billy Idol ripped off his look from Spike and not vice versa. I loved that in the same ep we got to see Evil Spike and Redeemed Spike and Love's Bitch Spike and Rocks Back Spike and Crazy, Confused, Angst-ridden Spike and DAMN do I love JM and that he's such a fantastic actor and that he's so, so pretty and that we got to hear him sing and we got to see him mostly-naked and that he finally wore leather pants! I loved that the evil robey guys have laid the fight right on the Council's doorstep and all of the implications and possibilities that brings up, and I even loved the evil, evil, twisted and cruel cliff-hanger with the axe being swung at Giles's head.
But most of all, kids, I loved the Spuffy. And there was so much Spuffy to love. Shallow and superficial things: Her acknowledgement of his hotness; the fact that he not only knows her cell phone number by heart but is a full-fledged "It's me" to her; her hesitation when the bouncer asked if he's her boyfriend; the way she totally checked him out during their first confrontation before he put his shirt on (though admittedly that could have been purely SMG)/ and the fact that she did seem a little jealous. Deep and profound things: His admission that it's still all about her and that the very idea that another girl could mean anything to him is ludicrous; her initial insistance that he couldn't be guilty and her reluctance to believe it even as the evidence piled up against him; the fact that the first thing he did when he began to remember what he'd done was to call Buffy and tell her, and that she came when he called and was so willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Despite (or perhaps because of) everything that's happened between them, they have SO much more honesty and trust than Buffy EVER had with Angel. It may be a while yet before they work their way back to a romantic relationship, but the love is so definitely there. On his side it's deep and unconditional and pretty much total, and Buffy finally realizes and accepts that. On her side, I suppose it's arguable as to whether it's really love, but she has admitted to "feelings," and that she doesn't really know what those feelings are. I still think that she does love him, that deep down she's loved him for a long time and that it's finally coming to the surface. I also think that it's so different from what she had with Angel that she can't yet recognize it for what it is. But I think she's getting there. I ALSO love that even under FBYID's control, Spike couldn't bring himself to bite Buffy, and that when he tasted the blood from her cut instead, that was all it took to snap him out of it and break the Big Bad's control over him. And I love that he's able to ask her for help now, and that she's so willing to give it to him.
I'm also thrilled to see that it looks like she'll continue to help and take care of him next week. It's really very fitting. Despite his actions at the end of last season, the fact remains that he got himself tortured for her, thrown off a high tower for her, he spent months looking after her sister because of a promise he made to her, he took care of her after she was resurrected, saved her life when she got all suicidal, allowed her to use him to make herself feel better, and when all of this wasn't enough he won his soul back for her. It's high time Buffy started giving something back to Spike, and I'm ecstatic that this is finally happening.
I'm still not speculating too much, because I really have no idea where Joss is taking us this season. But I'm more confident than ever that Spike is meant to be the Long Haul Guy and that he and Buffy will get back together and do it right this time. Damn, I loved this episode. I love this season. And God, do I ever love this show.
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Cheer up, sleepy Jean. I had a test this morning, which I'm pretty sure I did okay on, which is good considering how sleep deprived I am right now because of it. Thank God for on-campus Starbucks. Now I've got about an hour and a half to kill before my next class (which, I remembered this morning, is with my current non-celeb crush, the British guy I can never work up the nerve to talk to; I was late for my test on account of the extra girly primping I did for the occasion), most of which I'll spend here in the library trying to get caught up on said class's online discussion which I've completely neglected all semester. So far it looks like I have to come up with about six different ways (one for each bi-weekly discussion period) to explain how the Tao Te Ching and the Art of War relate to my internship site. Yay fun. Yesterday at the internship site, one little boy got so mad that he whipped it out (and by "it" I mean ... you know) and peed all over the place. I haven't figured out yet how ancient Chinese philosophy applies to that sort of thing.
Anyway. The semester is winding down, thankfully, and despite the deal with the forums I seem to have done pretty well pacing myself so I don't get overwhelmed the last couple of weeks. This morning's test was the last one for that class, and my group has two weeks to complete our paper and prepare our presentation, and we're actually making progress on that. I've got one more test coming up for Adolescent Psych which is NOT a comprehensive final, just a regular section test, and that'll be easy. And my part is pretty much done on the Gender Psych poster project. This afternoon I'll run the draft of the written part past the rest of my group and if they approve all I have to do is print off a nicer version, then all I have left to do on that is show up for the presentation. What a wonderfull feeling not to be overwhelmed. Well, not with schoolwork, anyway.
As for everything else: I'm revising the band's press packs to make them more coffee-shop friendly. Then I have to go distribute them and make a whole new list of contacts. Nordaggio's said I can call them back next week about booking another show there, so hopefully that'll happen soon. As for the stuff that y'all actually care about, the remainder of DL 3.8 is coming along. My scenes are all written and just need to be revised, ditto eep's scenes; adj and fenwic are each, I think, about halfway finished. Hopefully we can get it done by the end of next week. Alkibiadhs is writing 3.9, and he writes fast, so that episode probably won't be too far behind. Fenwic, eep and I are co-writing 3.10, and my part is halfway done. I don't know about their's yet. I'm writing 3.11 all by myself, and I have one scene written, and a lot happens in that one, so the sooner I get going on it the better. It's way too soon to tell, schedule-wise, with the rest, but here's the lineup: 3.12 - Abby & Fiona; 3.13 - alkibiadhs; 3.14 - adjrun; 3.15 - alkibiadhs and me. Then it's all over, folks.
New Buffy tonight. Should explain why it looks like Spike is going around killing people despite the chip/soul combo that's supposed to ensure that he doesn't do that. This ep could make or break me, folks. That said, I'm not too worried, since all logical signs point to mitigating circumstances for our boy.
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Okay. Trying again ...
Miscellaneous Buffy ramblings (spoilers through "Conversations with Dead People") ...
I loved this episode. Did I mention that already? There was so, so much to love, and it left us with so, so much to think about. But even so, my one-track mind can't stop thinking about Spike. What the hell is up with him? Did he really kill Holden and that anonymous smoker girl? What does this mean?
After reading the boards and obsessing over this for two days, here's the list of possibilities as near as I can figure (these aren't all my theories, by the way, but I can't remember who posited what; feel free to claim credit in the comments section):
1. He's evil. He gave it a good try, but the soul, redemption, whatever just didn't take and he's given up and embraced his vamp nature. This is the most upsetting possibility. Fortunately, it's also the least plausible. It would be weak story-telling, not to mention a total retread of S2 Angel. It's just not believable that he'd go from being nearly catatonic with guilt and all about helping Buffy to callously and enthusiastically killing people again, just like that. Even if he lost his soul, this behavior doesn't mesh with who he's been the last two seasons. Also? It doesn't explain why the chip isn't affecting him.
2. He's got a split personality. William couldn't handle it and withdrew, leaving the demon in charge. This is actually quite a bit more plausible to me, though it still doesn't explain why the same demon who felt so awful about attacking Buffy that he sought out his soul has gone back to his Big Bad ways. Of course, if you factor in the recent insanity and the possibility that the demon is pissed off for what he put himself through only to become a drooling, raving, stinky mess, it becomes even more believable. However, this still doesn't explain the chip.
3. He's possessed or being otherwise controlled/manipulated by the First Evil or whatever. I think this is the most likely option, and certainly the one with the most evidence to back it up. We've seen that this thing has an investment in keeping Spike out of the picture. It has visited him twice that we've seen, and he's mentioned other times. The first time that we saw, it took on the guises of various villains from seasons past and Buffy, and took the tactic of telling him that he's useless and worthless. This came after it failed to keep Buffy from even finding out he was there. The second time it posed as Buffy, telling him that she's there to help him with what he's going through yet not actually doing anything to help him -- keeping him complacent in the basement. It was interrupted by the other, not so pleasant Buffy who demanded that he take action and get himself out of the basement. Buffy keeps thwarting its covert attacks on Spike, so it's entirely plausible that it's now using a more overt tactic to keep him from fighting on the side of good, one that involves turning Buffy against him.
It's also possible that this was its plan all along. In "Beneath You," Spike told Buffy that since he got the soul, "And and now, everybody's IN here. TALKING. Everything I did, everyone I - and Him. And It - the other, the thing - beneath, beneath you. It's here too" (emphasis mine, and thanks be to georgevna for transcribing this scene). At first I thought that "It" was the demon incarnation of Spike, whom Buffy said was beneath her in "Fool for Love." But now I think it's a different breakdown. "I" is Spike, "Him" is William (though these could be reversed), and "It" is our friend From Beneath You It Devours, also known as the Mighty Morphin' Big Bad, and possibly as the First Evil, and most recently as Cassie. From here on we'll call it FBYID for short, since that's what they're doing in the forum. Anyway, maybe FBYID has left a part of itself in Spike's mind, either lying dormant and waiting for an opportunity to take over or systematically driving him to kill all this time. This fits with the title of next week's ep, "Sleeper." It also explains the non-chip-zapping in that either Spike's not in control of his own actions and therefore the chip's not picking up any intent, or maybe FBYID just shorted it out when it took him over.
4. He's still in the basement and the Spike we saw in the last two eps is an imposter. I'm kind of in love with and horrified by this theory all at the same time. But I seem to be growing ever more attached to it. It's just as plausible as number 3, and has just as much evidence to back it up. We've seen that FBYID is capable not only of appearing as anyone it wants, but also of becoming corporeal when it does so. Also, its initial goal seemed to be keeping Spike from ever leaving the basement. What if, when Buffy became insistent upon his leaving, FBYID stashed him away and took his place to fool her? This also fits the title -- "Sleeper" could refer to the real Spike, catatonic or even comatose in the basement, unbeknownst to any of the people who could help him. And it definitely explains the lack of chip-zapping. Plus, it's just so MEAN that I wouldn't put it past Mutant Enemy to go this route.
So I guess that last one is my pet theory, though really, I have no clue. I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out to be something else entirely that none of us have thought of, that will have us declaring ME either incredibly brilliant or incredibly lame (but hopefully the former). It sure is fun to speculate, though. And it's keeping me from running out to get spoiled.
Damn damn damn! I just had this whole big long Buffy post written and half of it just got eaten. And I can't remember how I ended it. Did I mention, damn?
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Wheee! Buffy! Wheee! I have to watch again before I can say anything any more coherent than that, but the Dawn scenes almost gave me a Ring-sized wiggins so I think I'll wait until it's not just before my bedtime to re-watch. But for now I'm all about the wheee.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Bad day. Bad, bad day. So far it's been the sort where anything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I overslept, I forgot to set up the coffeemaker last night so I had no coffee this morning, I had a raging headache, I was late for my test, and on my way to said test I tripped up the stairs and bruised the hell out of my leg and foot. At least nobody was around to witness, so at least that much worked out. And I'm pretty sure I did well on the test, despite headache, lack of caffiene, shooting pain through leg and foot, and the class next door watching a video very loudly. Then after the test, I headed across town to pay my auto insurance, which is due today, but when I got there and saw that they were closed for Veteran's Day I remembered that they told me to come by on Tuesday instead. So I felt like a dork driving all over town. Headed back to Sonic to grab some food and caffiene, and had to wait for a train. La la la, such a fun day. I'm at my internship site now, and everybody's out at recess, so at least I've got some quiet time to regroup. I'm just praying that the kids won't be all scary this afternoon and that the rest of the day will go more smoothly. Here's hopin'!
Saturday, November 09, 2002
I'm still creeping myself out at random by thinking too much about The Ring (although I am finally able to sit alone in the same room with a powered-off television). But I just had another thought about this whole genre -- ghost stories wherein the ghost is pissed off because it was unjustly killed and so it takes it out on innocent people by killing them. Really, does this make a whole lot of sense? I mean, the ghosts victims are also unjustly killed. So wouldn't they become ghosts? And then wouldn't all of these victims' ghosts be able to band together in the nether realm or whatever to kick the first ghost's ass?
Y'know, I should go write this down in my story idea journal.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
The second part of DL 3.8 is up. This one brings both the violence and the tasteful nudity. Can't go wrong there!
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Things are starting to look up. I have to double check with my advisor, but it looks like all that's standing between me and an Associates in Liberal Arts is "Foundations in World Languages," which I could go ahead and take online this spring. Then at least I'll end next semester feeling like I've accomplished something.
The second part (out of three) of DL 3.8 is finished, but the last scene is still in betas. It could probably go up tonight, but we don't want to compete with new Buffy. So watch for it tomorrow.
Monday, November 04, 2002
I am not a happy camper today. I met with my advisor this morning to go over my spring registration, and I'm nowhere near completing my degree. I'll have to take classes this summer if I want to graduate next December. When I first registered here he told me I could just count the English classes I took at OU as my minor, but, nope! I have to take 3 core English classes to fulfill my minor requirement. And it's either that or 3 history/poli-sci courses, so I think I'll stick with English. But the point is, I won't graduate in May.
On the up side, this means I won't have to get a real job this summer. Always look on the bright side ...